XenForo 2.0 Discussion

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The thing I would love to see is the possibility to add different pages in thread in order to split a really long thread in multiple one, in the same thread. It would also boosts our views so, that would be for the best :)

There is an addon to do that in case you weren't aware of it.

If it's the one from @Rigel Kentaurus it has been deleted a long time ago and wasn't compatible with XF1.4 :/

I'm not sure I understand what you're describing... What do you mean add different pages into a thread?
Something occurred to me the other day - when people use Facebook, Twitter, and similar social media sites, often information about them and their contacts surrounds the messaging area like a frame.

And yet, with forum software, the posting area is the overwhelming single feature, and any personal user information - albums, contacts/friends, uploaded images, etc, is shunted off into a separate section.

So I thought - for the development of XF 2.0, why not experiment with a new layout that puts the user at the centre of everything, with all their information at hand around the left and right hand of the posting area of whatever part of the forums they're on?

I would certainly recommend the XF team experiment with this, not because admins think they want it, but because users - potential forum members - might enjoy the greater familiarity of a social media experience in forums.

(I know most forum admins would howl in fear at any change that changes the look of internet forums from the style default style we've used for over 15 years. But, you know, that's not what the general population on the web is used to. And those are precisely the people I want to join my forums to keep them thriving.)

Perhaps some form of widget system, like Wordpress uses, to allow additional boxes to display to the left and the right to help admins personalise the community experience for their own users. After all, forums are supposed to be social media, too.

I'm not really sure. If this comes in form of a widget system, totally admin cofigurable, then o.k. But forums will never beat Facebook on its own turf, IMHO. I think that topic related content is what makes forum thrive nowadays - improved content presentation and even more, content discovery is what I would wish for. Chit chat communities that just aim to connect people will have a hard stand.
Ah yes, but me thinks there are things that a forum can do that social media can't. To expand on @ibrian's post - if a media center was integrated (XFMG) there could be a sidebar with thumbnails of your uploaded pics in a scroller type format, then another with your recent posts, another with your articles, or maybe a "favorites" that features all of these. When answering someone's post, you would be able to quickly drag & drop various things from these sidewars/widgets into your post instead of opening a new page and searching for things.

I know that I would find that extremely useful, as I tend to answer the same questions over on very long threads on certain forums.
It would be great to see a movement toward a client side MVC which would have a massive speed increase in most use cases.
I'm not talking about selling out to a framework such as ember or angular but those have really proven themselves in the main and I'm sure a homegrown xF client side MVC framework would have huge benefits. I can't see this happening anytime soon but I do think as devices get faster and faster it becomes more and more sensible to look at that route.
It would be great to see a movement toward a client side MVC which would have a massive speed increase in most use cases.
I'm not talking about selling out to a framework such as ember or angular but those have really proven themselves in the main and I'm sure a homegrown xF client side MVC framework would have huge benefits. I can't see this happening anytime soon but I do think as devices get faster and faster it becomes more and more sensible to look at that route.
How would you handle SEO then?
Pre-render is easy enough as is noscript, either overcomes this... i prefer a pre-render
Assuming it hasn't already been brought up, it'd be nice to see PSR-4 autoloading in the next major version of XenForo. Right now it's painful having to change the class name every time my IDE makes a new class because namespaces aren't used.

Edit: I realise you can use the namespaces in your own addon but it's not consistent with how the rest of the forum code works which means a bunch of backslashes before every class reference.
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@Mike @Brogan @Chris D @Jake Bunce @Jeremy @Ashley @Kier @Slavik

What you really need to do for us big boards and everyone is..... to think of grabbing back the people who go to 'facebook groups' and 'google+ communities because they state how easy it is to reply/upload images - every alert when someone responds / live updates on a thread / easy for them to invite their friends to a group (forum) /

- google communities as you can create a post anywhere and choose a drop down of which category you want it to go into - this would be cool to have on a sidebar or below navbar a complete section of an open box to type into and a drop down menu and users can post a thread instantly into any section.

Do you feel that groups/communities are over taking forums? I dont believe so, our stats are still up high but I will state we did create a group and it has a completely different crowd, good thing we started so that we can get attention from everyone across all networks - but still would be even more than awesome for Xenforo 2.0 to take what FB/Google has done and create it along those lines if not better.
The thing that I find encourages immediate, fluid and frequent user interaction facebook groups is the live update, that we all get sound alerts when browsing other tabs and not active on the site, and push notifications to our phones.

A push that the topic as been started. A large percentage of people will log on and get involved in the initial flurry of activity and responses.

Then once things start to die down and users are browsing web sites in other tabs, the sound notification brings them straight back to the facebook groups tab.

You'd need to have quite a selection of granular controls to control what forums trigger notifications and sound alerts on a very busy forum to prevent sensory overload. But in my experience those three features vastly increase the speed and volume of user engagement per topic and a lot of users don't mind the sound (*prepares for the onslaught of people who would rather burn their forum to the ground than have sound alerts*)

There's a suggestion here for sound.
Live update would be amazing - there's must be at least 3 or 4 different add ons for this now.
Hopefully an app will be able to sort push notifications soon...
Auto embedding/upload of image urls could be nice too I suppose, depending on the type of forum.
Yep, I use Chris' pushover, it's great :)

Unfortunately not everyone wants to pay for and download an app that only sends notifications though.

Plus it can be a bit finicky for a user to setup, downloading the app, registering a seperate pushover account, logging into the pushover site on a desktop computer instead so it's easier to navigate depending on your phone, getting pushover codes, figuring out what to do with the codes, inserting those codes into their account page on each forum they want it to work on, wondering if you did it right and trying to figure out how to test it by getting another user to action a notification...

It's fine for tech savvy users. But compared to an app you can just download and login with existing credentials for a site you use and have it just work, it's bit of a pain and can be confusing for some users.

Plus it's an easier sell if the user feels the app allows full forum interaction and you're not paying for a feature which seems relatively basic and feels like it should be free since it's been around for years in other social networking/discussion platforms apps. Because of this you only get the dedicated and more tech savvy members taking the time to pay for it, figure it out and utilise it.
I hope that XF will aim to not only implement the most popular suggestions.
Welcome to XenForo!!

I'm sure they will be implementing the most popular suggestions and a few less popular suggestions where they make sense for the future roadmap. I'm hoping they will leave out unpopular suggestions and leave that to the development community to implement. They've never given us any reason to doubt feature releases and I've not seen any bloat yet.
Do I see it correctly that there won't e a 1.5 release, and only minor releases before the 2.0?
That hasn't been confirmed one way or the other.

Development of the 1.x branch is still ongoing, as evidenced by the release yesterday.
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