Xen-TR Who Has Visited

Xen-TR Who Has Visited 2.6.0

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Well-known member
Tilkißey submitted a new resource:

Xen-TR Who Has Visited (version 2.5.1) - See "Who Has Visited" your forum today or in last X hours

Important Warning
If you uploaded 2.4.0's files, please delete all files and upload new files
There was (at 2.4.0) a few unnecessary file (which i forgot)

Upgrade Instructions
1-) Uninstall previous version
2-) Upload the necessary files/folders in _upload folder
3-) Install addon_xentr_com_who_has_visited_v2.4.0.xml via add-on installer
4-) Choose your setting from ACP option area

Install Instructions
1-) Upload the necessary...

Read more about this resource...
This is such a great addon, but does anyone know if it's possible to use this in xenporta sideblocks?

I have tried to use <xen:include template="xen_tr_com_who_has_visited" /> in the HTML block, but that did nothing.
Does this now work with [bd] Widget Framework?
I had to remove it in the past due to a conflict.
And it didn't seem to show those logged in until x hours afterward.
Has that been fixed?
I see it like "load" with the loading bars where I place the code, then it ends up just disappearing. Would give more troubleshooting info, but I see nothing in the logs.
Great add-on, it appears to be working ok , however im getting this error show up on my sever log a few times
ErrorException: Undefined variable: setDate - library/XenTrCom/WhoHasVisited/Model/SetDate.php:187
Any ideas?
Great add-on, it appears to be working ok , however im getting this error show up on my sever log a few times
ErrorException: Undefined variable: setDate - library/XenTrCom/WhoHasVisited/Model/SetDate.php:187
Any ideas?

i ve to check up xF 1.1.x codes for bout timezones
maybe there can be changed things (maybe)

for now, i think there is no update this add-on due to working on new add-ons
If anyone is interested in doing what I asked about in the last discussion thread, if you want the tooltip of the avatar to display username as well as time, in the xen_tr_com_who_has_visited_avatar template, find:

<xen:avatar user="$XWhoHasVisited.user" size="s" class="Tooltip" text="{xen:date {$XWhoHasVisited.user.last_activity}, 'H:i'}" title="{xen:date {$XWhoHasVisited.user.last_activity}, 'H:i'}" />

and Replace it with:

<xen:avatar user="$XWhoHasVisited.user" size="s" class="Tooltip" text="{$XWhoHasVisited.user.username}, {xen:date {$XWhoHasVisited.user.last_activity}, 'H:i'}" title="{$XWhoHasVisited.user.username}, {xen:date {$XWhoHasVisited.user.last_activity}, 'H:i'}" />

This is a very nice AddOn ... but ... in the night between 01:00 and 02:00 localtime it shows nothing :(
Location is Central-Europe.
What can i do?
I just tried to install this mod but there was a problem when rebuilding the cache. Since then my site is inaccessible.

Fortunately I ran this install on my test site....phew. No harm, no foul ;)

Not sure why it went wrong. Would be nice to find out as I would like this on my live site :)

EDIT: Just had this issue trying a reinstall of a skin on a newly installed test system, so i expect it's just server gremlins and nothing to do with this mod :)
After an hour and a half of trying to get this add-on to work - no dice. It was a waste of time and there seems to be no support in the forums. Oh well... Thanks for the share just the same. I'm sure those who have had no issues with it appreciate the share. I'm simply frustrated = Uninstalled.

It seems several users visiting my site aren't showing up in the list. I tested both the today and 24 hours mode, still the same. Several users are not showing up, me (the admin) included. I'm using the latest version.
ah great,, this mod was working for the most part and showing all users..
I just update it friday and now it's not showing 1/2 the users that should be listed :(
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