Xen Notices [Deleted]

Chris D updated Xen Notices with a new update entry:

Small fix

The following release fixes a small bug that may only be an issue if you are using certain add-ons.

Specifically, the error is:
ErrorException: Undefined index: title - library/XenNotices/Listener.php:20

If you don't see this error being logged in, you may not actually need to update.
  • Fixes 'undefined index title' exception under some cases

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hi Chris, I've been interested in this add on for a while but can't quite work out what it will offer me in terms of functions in notices of XF 1.5 and above.
I have a large number of notices and have just refreshed visibility design to have 4 main classes to ensure notices are identical across multiple non parented skins. This involves multiple extra.css edits and strings of html and font awesome graphics within the notices themselves.
But, my biggest bugbear is not being able to see each notice and how it's delivered once I've changed to the required criteria options.

How would this add on help me?
Doesn't sound like it would really do anything to help you.

This is the feature list:

Feature Summary
  • Permission controlled management of notices on the front end
  • Edit your notice content with a proper HTML editor, powered by Redactor
  • Additional tokens for replacement inside notices including {board_url}, {board_title}, {page_title} and more
  • Easy custom styling of floating notices using the XenForo colour picker
  • Display a floating notice every day showing "Today's Birthdays"
  • Automatic notice reset system. Allow your notices to be automatically reset every X (hours|days|weeks|months)
When I make someone a forum moderator, the "Notices" tab appears in the user bar at the top of the page although no permissions to "view" are set. When the user then clicks on the tab he gets the "You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action." -Error... The tab should not appear at all if view permission is not set/revoked.
any chance, perhaps, maybe, possibly, god willing to add the ability to import/export the notices? As @optrex stated that he has a large amount of html/fontAwesome code as I do spread across approx 40+ notices involving custom "rank up" notifications. Would like the ability to export these so then I don't have to setup each one individually again when 2.0 comes out ;)
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i already installed the xen notices addon.
but where can i find the xen notice link?
i only see the original LIST NOTICES link in admin page and
there is no xen notices link in the admin page.

Unfortunately styling for block notices is restricted to manually adjusting CSS.

The main reason for this is because of the panel scroller styling and all notices by default sharing the same container. There was never a solution I was happy with so ultimately I restricted the easy styling options to floating notices only.
Unfortunately styling for block notices is restricted to manually adjusting CSS.

The main reason for this is because of the panel scroller styling and all notices by default sharing the same container. There was never a solution I was happy with so ultimately I restricted the easy styling options to floating notices only.
I figured as much. Any chance you might be able to tell me how to change the color via css?
Each notice has a notice ID, and each notice has a unique class name based on that ID.

    // css here

Something like that, added to EXTRA.css. You may need to actually target some of the inner elements to change some of the styling you need.
Would it be possible to make it so that only specific usergroups be included in the Birthdays notice?

I can bear it in mind for the future, but currently it pulls users from the same function as the block displayed on the Notable Members page.
Each notice has a notice ID, and each notice has a unique class name based on that ID.

    // css here

Something like that, added to EXTRA.css. You may need to actually target some of the inner elements to change some of the styling you need.
Sadly that's a little above my paygrade. I appreciate you taking the time to try and help.
You could post in the Styling and Customizations forum. It really is just a general styling thing, and independent of this add-on. Styling notices is something you've always been able to do with CSS; there might even be some threads around that might help.
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