Xen Notices [Deleted]

Only if you promise it is not that birthday sang again :cautious:

:ROFLMAO: No. iPhone alert tone.

No sound for me, but that could be because I'm using Ubuntu (not windows).
Hmm, what browser?

It should work in all modern browsers that are compatible with the HTML5 <audio> and <source> properties. If anything it's less compatible on Windows due to Internet Explorer. Got a feeling it only works on IE9+.

EDIT: Hmm, yeah Firefox might only support OGG files... wtf is up with that?
:ROFLMAO: No. iPhone alert tone.

Hmm, what browser?

It should work in all modern browsers that are compatible with the HTML5 <audio> and <source> properties. If anything it's less compatible on Windows due to Internet Explorer. Got a feeling it only works on IE9+.

EDIT: Hmm, yeah Firefox might only support OGG files... wtf is up with that?
Confirm ..... It is a Firefox issue (no worries ... not your fault)

Using Firefox 14.0.1 on Ubuntu 12.04
The only way to make it work in Firefox is to have two copies of the sound file.

An MP3 version and an OGG version.

But who uses OGG files?

Bloody browsers.

Official solution: Use Chrome :p
The only way to make it work in Firefox is to have two copies of the sound file.

An MP3 version and an OGG version.

But who uses OGG files?

Bloody browsers.

Official solution: Use Chrome :p
I think Chrome plays OGG as well. Not sure about Opera or Safari .... We don't support Internet Explorer on http://www.SociallyUncensored.eu (so I couldn't care less what IE does)

Could always convert the media file so I'd only have 1 file....

Either way, this is a browser issue and not something really for you to worry about.
The only way to make it work in Firefox is to have two copies of the sound file.

An MP3 version and an OGG version.

But who uses OGG files?

Bloody browsers.

Official solution: Use Chrome :p


I think you did what you could chris and as Adam said it's a browser Issue. I personally use FF (only because of Firebug) so I understand that this is a browser restriction and you did what you could and went above and beyond. (y)
Purchased x 3 copies... the latest updates look fantastic. Went to bed, woke up, and this add-on has grown in more features. Once I get my head around it all, then I'll leave my feedback. Looks absolutely awesome though. Wayyyyyyyy better than the default XF notices.

Added: I am presuming this is one copy per XF license? It didn't say it anywhere, though I purchased 3 for 3 XF board URL's.
Purchased x 3 copies... the latest updates look fantastic. Went to bed, woke up, and this add-on has grown in more features. Once I get my head around it all, then I'll leave my feedback. Looks absolutely awesome though. Wayyyyyyyy better than the default XF notices.

Added: I am presuming this is one copy per XF license? It didn't say it anywhere, though I purchased 3 for 3 XF board URL's.
Thank you for your custom! :D

More features planned too.

Yeah, 1 copy per license,. I guess I should stop being so relaxed and actually write that somewhere :ROFLMAO:
I have reviewed that idea Shelley, thanks... though I still think this should be corrected in the product itself.

One can easily fix it by simply adding <br /><br /> to the end of the content, though again, that is a hack and not a long-term fix IMHO.
Ok, I made two changes in Gritter.css, firstly to the bottom padding of the item container, then the dismiss css, placing it closer to the bottom and further from the right, to avoid the radius.

.gritter-item {
    padding: 15px 11px;
    font-size: 11px;
    font-family: "Verdana", "Tahoma", "Arial", sans-serif;
    margin:0 0 10px 0;
    border: 2px solid #252525;
    border: 2px solid rgba(0,0,0,0);
.gritter-dismiss {
    position: absolute;
    font-size: 8px;
    bottom: 1px;
    right: 10px;

Screen Shot 2012-07-22 at 2.53.52 PM.webp
I cannot get it to work. The javascript does not seem to be loading. Following is the screenshot from the Firebug's console.


You can check it on my site.
did you upload the files? the js console is showing that the required files doesn't exist

Thanks ragtek. I uploaded the files alright, but your post got me thinking in another direction. I checked the folder permissions of the js/gritter and the styles/gritter folders and these were not correctly set. Now it is working. Thanks. :)
Ok, I made two changes in Gritter.css, firstly to the bottom padding of the item container, then the dismiss css, placing it closer to the bottom and further from the right, to avoid the radius.

.gritter-item {
    padding: 15px 11px;
    font-size: 11px;
    font-family: "Verdana", "Tahoma", "Arial", sans-serif;
    margin:0 0 10px 0;
    border: 2px solid #252525;
    border: 2px solid rgba(0,0,0,0);
.gritter-dismiss {
    position: absolute;
    font-size: 8px;
    bottom: 1px;
    right: 10px;

View attachment 31875

Just curious (because your css gradient tips thread prompted and reminded me of this and I thought you would be doing the css3 gradient thing yourself) is will you be doing some css3 gradient notices? . I'm in the process of designing some and waiting till i have about 5-6 done before releasing but was wondering whether your going down this route?

Here's a little update on my stockpile designing one more today before releasing the 1st batch but thinking for basic yet quality eye candy notification you just can't beat css3 gradients.


@ chris - I started that angry bird character (the notice turned out bad) especial the angry bird but I'm restarting that one today. :LOL:


I officially can't use the reply button in message view because I have so many notifications 19 in total and no chance of stopping. lol
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