Xen Notices [Deleted]

I haven't changed the placement. I may have had the browser window shrunk when I did that screenshot.

Are you saying it should stay as it is?
I haven't changed the placement. I may have had the browser window shrunk when I did that screenshot.

Are you saying it should stay as it is?

I think it would look better floated to the right inline with the hexvalue input box. I'm suggesting it be like your shrunk down browser window my modified mockup. :)

edit: it's no biggie eitherway, I just think it looks better and neater not breaking onto another line.
I still am having a problem...

The way I understand it, the "enable temporary dismissal" is supposed to allow a user to click the close button and it remain gone for whatever is designated in the "time to hide" area.

What is happening now is that, if I turn on "enable temp dismissal", it goes into that mode whether the button is clicked or it just fades away. I would think the goal would be to have the notice physically closed before the "time to hide..." is in effect.

Also, when I deselect the "enable temp dismissal", I would expect the notice to return to being shown on every page load and it isn't.
That's how it is by default o_O

What browser and version are you using?

Firefox 14.0.1

That's odd. I'll have a check in chrome see if it's different.

Edit: in chrome it displays to the right so it's a firefox issue then chris. :)
Edit: IE9 it displays under the text hexvalue area like in firefox.
Edit: Opera it displays fine like in chrome and is floated to the right as it should be.
Edit: Safari fr windows it displays correctly to the right.

so it's a firefox and Ie(9) issue.

So you're right. Long story short, the temporary dismiss functionality comes into place if "close" is clicked or even if it fades away on its own (without any action).

This isn't ideal.

I've now changed the behaviour so that it will only temporarily dismiss if the close button is pressed. It will carry on popping up if it fades away on its own.

So, this is fixed in the next version, but I'm going to keep working on some new features and ideas so in the mean time, you could make things into a sticky so they don't fade away. This way they'll only dismiss if they're closed.
Nice work, Chris.

Some feedback and suggestions:

1) The option to permanently close the note via cookie is not useble at the moment. All notes are never shown again unless the browser is restarted even if nobody clicks at "close". This is even more problematic as the default duration of a note is only 6 seconds (6000ms). But I understand that this will be taken care of in the next version. Until then I suggest to disable "Enable temporary dismissal" for all notes.

Also you should revoke the cookie if a note is altered by admin and show it again immediately, even if it has been temporarily dismissed.

2) Colorpicker does not work with all browsers. With some browsers the location of the squares is strange and with some browsers the slider is not seen (safari). That needs to be improved.

3) PLEASE do not want admins to give a value in MICROSECONDS when crating a note. Instead let them insert seconds and do a '*1000' in the code. The time to fade in/out should not be customizable as I think this is of no real value. But if it stays, it should be Microseconds there. :)

4) Notification Options are much too complicated now. Maybe you can optimize them.

5) There SHOULD be a WARNING popup if you save a new note WITHOUT any criteria set. I understand that you wrote a warning sentence at the bottom of the admin screen, but that is not sufficient. It IS a real problem if a note that is meant for a specific user or usergroup is accidentally shown to all people! If you even let people confirm the dismissal of a note you should also let admins confirm the creation of a note without any criteria.

But again, beside of this, your addon has a lot of potential and it seems that you've fun coding!
Nice work, Chris.

Some feedback and suggestions:

1) The option to permanently close the note via cookie is not useble at the moment. All notes are never shown again unless the browser is restarted even if nobody clicks at "close". This is even more problematic as the default duration of a note is only 6 seconds (6000ms). But I understand that this will be taken care of in the next version. Until then I suggest to disable "Enable temporary dismissal" for all notes.
Yes, this is fixed in the next version and I suggest the same thing. Or make notices sticky so they don't fade away.

2) Colorpicker does not work with all browsers. With some browsers the location of the squares is strange and with some browsers the slider is not seen (safari). That needs to be improved.
Actually looking for a replacement as it requires jQuery 1.7 and the colour picker itself seems to be a bit temperamental.

3) PLEASE do not want admins to give a value in MICROSECONDS when crating a note. Instead let them insert seconds and do a '*1000' in the code. The time to fade in/out should not be customizable as I think this is of no real value. But if it stays, it should be Microseconds there. :)
Great minds think alike. It's already done in 1.3.

4) Notification Options are much to complicated now. Maybe you can optimize them
Not heard this before. What's complicated about them?

5) There SHOULD be a WARNING popup if you save a new note WITHOUT any criteria set. I understand that you wrote a warning sentence at the bottom of the admin screen, but that is not sufficient. It is a real problem if a note that is meant for a specific user or usergroup is accidentially shown to all people! If you let people confirm the dismissal of a note you should also let admins confirm the creation of a note without any criteria.

But again, beside of this, your addon has a lot of potential and it seems that you've fun coding!
I have to disagree with this one. This behaves in the same way as notices - there's no warning there and that potentially has the same problem. This would also be annoying for people who mostly use this to show to all people on all pages. It means there'd be an extra step for people who fully intend to show their notice to everyone.

Thank you for the kind words and feedback,
why not use the xenforo colorpicker?:D
I want to... but been struggling to get it to work :(

I'm testing it now.

I've got:

<xen:require js="js/xenforo/color_picker.js" />
<xen:require css="color_picker.css" />
<xen:textbox name="properties[{$property.property_definition_id}]" value="{$property.propertyValueScalar}" inputclass="ColorPicker DisablePalette" />

And it renders the familiar text box with the colour icon on the right, but clicking on it does nothing and produces this error in the console:

Picker with palette: %b false
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'click' of undefined

Now obviously those parameters aren't available in my template, but inspecting a working input with a colour picker, putting in some similar dummy values still doesn't work.
Intruder Alert, Intruder Alert, get the Intruder !
To view this content we will need your consent to set third party cookies.
For more detailed information, see our cookies page.
<input type="text" class="ColorPicker" name="color" value="{$elem.color}"/>
<xen:include template="color_picker" />
should work
This addon conflicts with UserEssentials and ConversationEssentials by Syndol. When activated some action definitions of those addons are unlinked from the controller.

Unfortunately I can give no more informations until we have time to take a deeper look into the code.

But maybe someone who also uses the mentioned addons can confirm this?
I am using Conversation Manager and User Essentials, I haven't seen any issues so far but then again, I haven't tested both the addons to the max, so I can't really comment on their interaction. Exactly, what issue are you getting?
I am using Conversation Manager and User Essentials, I haven't seen any issues so far but then again, I haven't tested both the addons to the max, so I can't really comment on their interaction. Exactly, what issue are you getting?

Those issues:
Conversation Essentials [Paid] Posting

Also in UserEssentials users can no longer access the "user name change" control panel link with a similar error.
We do not use the "user name change" feature of the addon, maybe that is why we never got the error. And Conversation Manager doesn't have auto-respond feature :P
We do not use the "user name change" feature of the addon, maybe that is why we never got the error. And Conversation Manager doesn't have auto-respond feature :p

ConversationEssentials has. ;)
I hope this error can get sorted out soon because I like this addon.
I don't have either of these add ons but I can try and fix it blind.

Are they all related to URLs at account/ ?

If so this should be a relatively easy fix but I won't be able to test. If you PM me once I'm done I'll email you quick patches for you to test. Then if it solves it I'll do a full release.
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