Xen Notices [Deleted]

Are you wanting the notification to appear X seconds after visiting a page?
A delayed notification?

Hi Chris, not sure what is the difference between the two, but I would like to happen:
1) I read story, hmm interesting...
2) 60 seconds or so after I started reading, a pop up (notification) shows "by the way, have you also read....."
3) This fades automatically (already built in).

If you read http://www.nytimes.com/ and click around perphaps 3-5 minutes and look at the notifications
at the bottom right you will see what I mean (but they do not show up instantaneously.
Hi Chris, not sure what is the difference between the two, but I would like to happen:
1) I read story, hmm interesting...
2) 60 seconds or so after I started reading, a pop up (notification) shows "by the way, have you also read....."
3) This fades automatically (already built in).

If you read http://www.nytimes.com/ and click around perphaps 3-5 minutes and look at the notifications
at the bottom right you will see what I mean (but they do not show up instantaneously.
I have now implemented this in my development version.

There will be a notification option called "Delay (in milliseconds)". Setting this to 60,000 will prevent the notification showing for 60 seconds. This is configurable to anywhere up to an hour.

EDIT: The default will of course remain 0 (i.e. show notification instantly).
Great! There is another feature list for you to see *hint**hint* :p
You've changed your name too.

Have I set a new trend or something? First me, then TheVisitors (Adam), now yodawan.

Shelley, your turn... I wonder if Ashley would actually change your name to what it says on your avatar. BaconBitch. Now that would be hilarious.
Ok, another feature guys.

I'm experimenting - I still know you guys want different size avatars, but I also think that sometimes you might not want to show an avatar at all, and you might want to show a different image.

So currently, I've changed the showavatar field to "showimage". And added a new image field.

The image field can accept the word avatar and that will trigger it to show the visitors avatar (default, so none of your existing notifications need changing).

It can also accept the path to any other image.

Here's what that looks like in my testing:


Ok, so the bottom notification is as it always has been. It's displaying my current avatar.

However, the top notification is displaying a graphic from baconforum.com which I've cropped and saved on my server.

Do you guys think this is a good feature?
You've changed your name too.

Have I set a new trend or something? First me, then TheVisitors (Adam), now yodawan.
I had to change it to my handle on other forums because I'll be releasing an addon and the other guys wanted some exposure. :P

Is it possible to add option "not closable"? In this way we could add notications without the "X" the top right.
Can be done with a simple CSS:

.yourclass .gritter-close {
display: none !important;
MOZ's solution would properly hide the close button.

Anything I implement as an option also would stop displaying the close button.
Does this replace the existing XF alert system once I install it? Or is that something separate?
Doesn't replace it, you will still have XF Notices that appear at the top of the page but with this you'll have a totally separate "Notifications" system for messages in a pop-up. The criteria pages, etc., will look nearly identical but it is its own isolated system not having anything to do with the stock Notices.
Does this replace the existing XF alert system once I install it? Or is that something separate?
This is completely separate :)

Though let me know what it is you want out of the add-on - I've had some great recommendations so far and I intend to implement as many of them as possible if they're good.

Also, you'd be surprised at what this add-on does already - it's quite flexible. I just haven't gotten round to producing any documentation yet.
Anybody started using css3 gradients for their notifications? The most recent notification (which was a request) is using css3 gradients and I guess this is for those that haven't tinkered with css3 gradients that you can achieve a very nice look without resorting to images (which do have limitations being a fixed image).

Imageless ( though the close icon is a custom image) yet nice on the eyes (screenshot below) so I guess this is a promotion/encouragement to try out css3 gradients in notifications. :p

Anybody started using css3 gradients for their notifications? The most recent notification (which was a request) is using css3 gradients and I guess this is for those that haven't tinkered with css3 gradients that you can achieve a very nice look without resorting to images (which do have limitations being a fixed image).

Imageless ( though the close icon is a custom image) yet nice on the eyes (screenshot below) so I guess this is a promotion/encouragement to try out css3 gradients in notifications. :p

View attachment 31745
That looks beautiful Shelley :)

Well done!
That looks beautiful Shelley :)

Well done!

That's released over at xenique since I asked forsaken if it was alright with him if i could style a xenbook themed notification after a request was made for it. I have to admit, i like/prefer the xenbook notification more than the image based ones I've created. Being based off the xenbook style colours forsaken really has a good eye for colours.

Going to be doing more css3 gradient ones shortly which I'll release here

edit:I've also included the imperial notification at Xenique for those that are interested. http://xenique.com/forums/threads/imperial-notification.459/#post-3947

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