Xen Media Gallery (Media Gallery for XenForo) [Paid] [Deleted]

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Thanks Chris! All fixed. The data and internal_data were 777'ed, but I think I messed things up removing some of the soundcloud directories that I thought were errors, not knowing that thumbs were created when using the default.

All fixed now. What a great addon with sooo many customizations available. Kudos.
We are now running XenForo 1.3 here!

Some might call this risky, others may call it stupid.

And you'd probably be right. Never. Ever. Run beta software on a production environment.

But, hey, rules are made to be broken :) But galleries aren't...

The very best way for me to test this out so you don't have to, is to install it here. So far, so good. Early indications show that Xen Media Gallery 2.0+ is entirely compatible with XenForo 1.3.

If you find any problems, just let me know in the Bug Reports forum :)
conversation between me and chris deeming ...........................(i asked this issue at last time but you cant read tag and content together .so i will try explain when i embed video ,videos coming without thumbnail and when i visit your site then i saw this i know you are great coder .But if your videos look like this in producer web page (check picture pls) i thought you working on it .you asked me just what you thinking ?what you waiting for? it was at tag what i am looking for..Thank you .)

Chris Deeming reply .......I have no idea what you're asking, sorry. Can you try and explain again, please?

now chris having fun with me, chris second reply .....If you like you can write it in Turkish. I think that is your main language?

There are some Turkish speaking people here like @@yavuz and @@Brogan who might be able to translate :)

issue is when you embed any video videos coming without original thumbs solition is i need translator ??
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I can assure you I am not "having fun with" you. I genuinely do not understand what issue you are attempting to explain. I also do not understand why you have posted here, when all I am trying to do is understand the issue and fix it for you.

I do not understand what you are saying so I have identified a way we can translate through someone who can speak both fluent English as their first language and ok Turkish as their second language (Brogan).
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Are you reporting this issue again?


If so, the issue has been fixed already on Monday and you need to download the latest files from http://xenmediagallery.com/buy. That should resolve the issue.

In case that upgrading doesn't fix the issue, please attempt to Rebuild Thumbnails which can be done from Admin CP > Applications > Gallery Rebuilds > Rebuild Xen Media Gallery Thumbnails.

If that still does not resolve your issue, please send me a PM with admin login details for your site and I will investigate further.

issue is when you embed any video videos coming without original thumbs
This made more sense than your original post and is all that was required for me to give you the information you need.
sory my bad let me fix it


first purple line is in English (birinci mor hat ingilizce)
first red line in Turkish (birinci kırmızı hat Türkçe)
second red line in English (ikinci kırmızı hat İngilizce)
that black line whichone is my wrote in Türkçe (yazdığım siyah hat Türkçe)

this screen shot from your web page you know
That particular media item doesn't have a thumbnail:

The video is dead. The video content has been removed from YouTube so we cannot generate a thumbnail. I have deleted the video.

My previous post is still valid.


There is also this media item:

That is a Facebook video. Facebook do not provide a way (easily) to display their thumbnail images with their API. The placeholder thumbnail in that case is exactly what we would expect to see.
I will post the same thing again to avoid further confusion:

Are you reporting this issue again?


If so, the issue has been fixed already on Monday and you need to download the latest files from http://xenmediagallery.com/buy. That should resolve the issue.

In case that upgrading doesn't fix the issue, please attempt to Rebuild Thumbnails which can be done from Admin CP > Applications > Gallery Rebuilds > Rebuild Xen Media Gallery Thumbnails.

If that still does not resolve your issue, please send me a PM with admin login details for your site and I will investigate further.
never mind i can make some image with paint for every embeded videos

@Janissary , I believe you ask how to define a custom thumbnail image for media? If that is the case; go to "Medya Sitesi Seçenekleri" and scroll to the bottom where you will find "Medya Sitesi Küçük Resimleri" and "Default 'No Thumbnail' Image" (which I should also translate, a not to me).

Herhalde medyalar için varsayılan küçük resim nereden geliyor diye soruyorsun @Janissary. Eklentinin seçenek bölümüne git, "Medya Sitesi Seçenekleri" sekmesina tıkla, alta doğru in ve 'No Thumbnail' Image bölümünü bul. Buradaki resim varsayılan resimdir. İstersen her bir host için farklı bir varsayılan resim atayabilirsin. Bunun için "Medya Sitesi Küçük Resimleri" bölümüne bakmalısın. Yardıma ihtiyaç varsa yaz...
you guys :) i am using xenforo in english and i am not stupid by the way this is not my first add on . of cource i can understand you . my english can make pain in your brains but if someone want to understand the otherone he can.... will you translate my screenshots too ?i will update new version thank you. Peace V .....
I've been meaning to say, thank you very much to everyone who has taken the time to review, recently.

There's been some very kind words said, I'm glad everyone appears to be enjoying Xen Media Gallery 2.0 :)

The great news is, the development of Xen Media Gallery 2.1 has begun already.

In the meantime, if you haven't yet reviewed, or you maybe reviewed before 2.0 was released, please take a few seconds to let me know what you think: http://xenforo.com/community/resour...user-albums-photos-videos-importers.1750/rate

Thank you :)
Chris Deeming updated Xen Media Gallery (User Albums, Photos, Videos, Importers) with a new update entry:

Small changes and fixes

Xen Media Gallery 2.0.6 has been released:
  • Fixed an issue where an invalid image or upload error may cause a server error prematurely.
  • Resolved an issue where watermarking/unwatermarking an image may cause a broken thumbnail.
  • Added a conditional so that the default XF code will take care of EXIF image rotation in XF 1.3 and above.
Thanks for everyone's support. Please rate Xen Media Gallery 2.0:

Read the rest of this update entry...
Thank you for this great add-on,

would you please tell me if this add-on supports self hosted videos + JWPlayer (with a stand alone uploader) ? I really do not want to host my videos on a thirdparty websites like Youtube ...

Thank you
If this addon is installed now (after a vB 3.8 migration), will I be able to use a vBulletin importer (when/if its available) to later import those user albums or is this something that needs to be done during the initial installation of media gallery? Also, if known, what folder/s and/or database still need to be in tact for a future importer to be able to pull those albums from?
As the importer hasn't been built yet it's hard to say. But generally, yes it should be possible as long as the old gallery database tables are in tact, the files are still accessible somewhere and also you have kept/written the import log after the import.
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