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WordPress 3 Bridge

It does require extra query
$nodes = $nodeModel->getViewableNodeList();

If I remember correctly, that will be 2 extra queries
I don't know much about it. I don't mind removing, but how I setup with my forum is in levels. Guests see for example - 123, members see 1234, premium members see 12345, platinum members see 123456, and staff see 1234567. I don't want to limit it to just the guests.
Unable to get the redirect to the xenForo login happening. Have tried relative and absolute paths.

xenForo RC1, WordPress 3.0.4

What are others entering to the prompt for forum location?
I am having my own problem with getting the login to work.. I can get in, but only if I follow very specific steps.

For clarity, it should be noted that I am running nginx with my xenforo and my wordpress on separate subdomains. For extra fun I'm also using WP in it's multi-site network mode.

site.tld: /var/www/wp-website
forums.site.tld : /var/www/xenforo

So, when I am on a blog page of say, www.site.tld/site1/blog/ and I see the "you must login to comment" option I click it and I am redirected to the xenforo login page correctly at forums.site.tld/ That works great, but there is no "redirect back to where we just were" action happening, if that makes sense. Basically the user has logged in to make a comment, and is now on the forums page.

If I manually go back to the blog post and refresh, it does recognize my cookie and allow me to post. It's just not the clearest method.

I assume this is because there's nothing on the xenforo side saying, "if you came in this way, follow the additional redirect arguments back to the wordpress". However it could also be that I simply have something misconfigured on the wordpress side and maybe it shouldn't be directing me to the real forums at all?

Not sure, guidance would be awesome :)

Unable to get the redirect to the xenForo login happening. Have tried relative and absolute paths.

xenForo RC1, WordPress 3.0.4

What are others entering to the prompt for forum location?

I use absolute paths personally.. since I have a dedicated box it's the easiest method. So for me, my path is: /var/www/xenforo/
I am having my own problem with getting the login to work.. I can get in, but only if I follow very specific steps.

For clarity, it should be noted that I am running nginx with my xenforo and my wordpress on separate subdomains. For extra fun I'm also using WP in it's multi-site network mode.

site.tld: /var/www/wp-website
forums.site.tld : /var/www/xenforo

So, when I am on a blog page of say, www.site.tld/site1/blog/ and I see the "you must login to comment" option I click it and I am redirected to the xenforo login page correctly at forums.site.tld/ That works great, but there is no "redirect back to where we just were" action happening, if that makes sense. Basically the user has logged in to make a comment, and is now on the forums page.

If I manually go back to the blog post and refresh, it does recognize my cookie and allow me to post. It's just not the clearest method.

I assume this is because there's nothing on the xenforo side saying, "if you came in this way, follow the additional redirect arguments back to the wordpress". However it could also be that I simply have something misconfigured on the wordpress side and maybe it shouldn't be directing me to the real forums at all?

Not sure, guidance would be awesome :)

I use absolute paths personally.. since I have a dedicated box it's the easiest method. So for me, my path is: /var/www/xenforo/

The core XenForo login script always redirect you back to the place where you come from. It's a little bit strange when it doesn't redirect you. But actually, I haven't test with cross subdomain :) Will get back to you when I figure it out
The core XenForo login script always redirect you back to the place where you come from. It's a little bit strange when it doesn't redirect you. But actually, I haven't test with cross subdomain :) Will get back to you when I figure it out

I've been testing different scenarios, and it appears to be an issue with the nginx rewrites not liking to pass on the argument and in fact failing because of it. I could actually solve this for myself with a rewrite line (bit of a hack), but I'm not sure where I can change the redirect_to= part of the url to just be redirect= (then i can pass it blindly to nginx). Any ideas? I assume you are using WP functions to create the url, so hoping you might have come across it ;)
I just ran into my first problem with this. When a users primary user group changes on Xenforo, how do I get it to trigger a role change on the wordpress side.
How come all my xenforo widgets are 100% blank.

Just to clarify myself. I have my XenForo installation (brand new) and I enabled the plugin and it worked momentarily. Now it does not work at all. It doesn't grab the latest poll I created nor the latest users. It's blank :(.

I just discovered that the EXEC-PHP plugin destorys your widgets xfrocks. You might want to look for plugin conflicts. Also, How can I disable the jquery you're adding to the site for newests threads? I don't want the tabs nor whatever css you're using.

I tried another PHP plugin and sure enough the same issue occurs upon loading my PHP it disables your widgets for XenForo to show the latest poll, etc.
Just to clarify myself. I have my XenForo installation (brand new) and I enabled the plugin and it worked momentarily. Now it does not work at all. It doesn't grab the latest poll I created nor the latest users. It's blank :(.

I just discovered that the EXEC-PHP plugin destorys your widgets xfrocks. You might want to look for plugin conflicts. Also, How can I disable the jquery you're adding to the site for newests threads? I don't want the tabs nor whatever css you're using.

I tried another PHP plugin and sure enough the same issue occurs upon loading my PHP it disables your widgets for XenForo to show the latest poll, etc.
Hmm, this is the bridge thread. You are asking about XenForo's Poll widgets? It doesn't really make sense ;)
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