[WMTech] Link Essentials

[WMTech] Link Essentials [Paid] 1.1.4

No permission to buy ($48.00)
It would be very helpful if this addon would also check XFMG links because media links like youtube often become unavailable and notify the author/member to replace the dead link with a working one. This way the community fixes the dead links.
It would be very helpful if this addon would also check XFMG links because media links like youtube often become unavailable and notify the author/member to replace the dead link with a working one. This way the community fixes the dead links.

Thanks for the suggestion!
My users are very happy with this addon. However, today I had some problems with a new BB code. Users with appropriate permissions are allowed to add a BB code with a google maps snippet.
[mymap]<div class="myEmbed"><iframe src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m0!3m2!1sde!2sde!4v1457874185507!6m8!1m7!1sY4bM-05co2vVRAHs0Ep8GQ!2m2!1d50.08041079560705!2d14.41405277155556!3f27.610535608436727!4f0!5f0.7820865974627469" width="400" height="300" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>[mymap]
Unfortunately link essential replaces the src link within the bb code with an "a href" which breaks the BB code. Within the BB code settings I've already disabled auto-linking. What can I do, @wmtech
My users are very happy with this addon. However, today I had some problems with a new BB code. Users with appropriate permissions are allowed to add a BB code with a google maps snippet.
[mymap]<div class="myEmbed"><iframe src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m0!3m2!1sde!2sde!4v1457874185507!6m8!1m7!1sY4bM-05co2vVRAHs0Ep8GQ!2m2!1d50.08041079560705!2d14.41405277155556!3f27.610535608436727!4f0!5f0.7820865974627469" width="400" height="300" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>[mymap]
Unfortunately link essential replaces the src link within the bb code with an "a href" which breaks the BB code. Within the BB code settings I've already disabled auto-linking. What can I do, @wmtech

Thanks for using our add-on!

As already written to you in the ticket response at our website, it helps to change your custom bb-code to not include the whole HTML code in every [mymap] code. Also this code is missing the closing [/mymap] tag
Found a problem/glitch, when you save a post with a link to a website that is not accessible.

Setting is "Screenshots for first post" and I wanted to make an announcement that informs members about the downtime of a website. So the website was down, I added the URL and when I hit "save" (the thread) it hangs up for a while... While the thread was actually saved, XenForo did not respond with the "your post was saved" notification, so I tried it three times. Then I realized it created three threads. I tried it again but with deleting the URL to the downed website and it worked as normal ("saved" notification of XF) because there was no Screenshot request obviously.

Would be great if WMT LE would account for downed websites' URLs and give the user a feedback, maybe like that the link posted has difficulties and screenshots are not available.
Would be great if WMT LE would account for downed websites' URLs and give the user a feedback, maybe like that the link posted has difficulties and screenshots are not available.

All screenshots are requested using XenForo's deferred system so the poster does not have to wait until a screenshot has been made.

If a website is not available for a screenshot, (after several retrials) an error picture will be shown. The admin can request a new screenshot in the ACP once the issue is resolved at the foreign web site.
That's all known and understood.

So the website was down, I added the URL and when I hit "save" (the thread) it hangs up for a while... While the thread was actually saved, XenForo did not respond with the "your post was saved" notification, so I tried it three times

The problem is that if the screenshot is requested from a "downed" website, the saving of the thread hangs up. No "save notification" is displayed and after the JS is idling for a while it stops and the post form is still in the state of "unsaved" although it is actually saved. This leads to users try saving it again and therefore creating multiple threads.

When removing the link (and therefore the call for a screenshot), the thread just saves as quickly as it does usually with XF.

So what I was pointing to is that if no feedback comes, the user does not know if the thread was saved and that there were problems – until he finds his thread multiple times in the discussion list, all with Screenshot errors.
The problem is that if the screenshot is requested from a "downed" website, the saving of the thread hangs up. No "save notification" is displayed and after the JS is idling for a while it stops and the post form is still in the state of "unsaved" although it is actually saved. This leads to users try saving it again and therefore creating multiple threads.

When removing the link (and therefore the call for a screenshot), the thread just saves as quickly as it does usually with XF.

So what I was pointing to is that if no feedback comes, the user does not know if the thread was saved and that there were problems – until he finds his thread multiple times in the discussion list, all with Screenshot errors.

I think this has nothing to do with the screenshot (as it is always deferred), but with the title fetching feature. If you use XF > 1.5 you can try to deactivate this feature in the add-on and see if it helps.
I think I proposed this before: Now, the "ALL Content Types" in ACP Options overrides all other settings, no matter what. But it would be better if the unchecked places are excluded explicitly. I have the problem with signatures. Links in signatures with screenshots produce nasty results, especially in UI.X. But I want screenshots in third-party add-ons, so I have to check "ALL"...
I think I proposed this before: Now, the "ALL Content Types" in ACP Options overrides all other settings, no matter what. But it would be better if the unchecked places are excluded explicitly.

We know this problem. We may deactivate the handling of links in signatures completely in a future version. It almost never makes sense to show screenshots for links in signatures.
Permission Bug: Whenever there is a Screenshot created and embedded by the add-on in the first post, a click on the screenshot itself triggers the link interstitial – although the user has permission "Disable External Link Interstitial" set to YES. Clicking on the text link itself does not trigger the interstitial (ok). Clicking on the screenshot triggers the interstitial ignoring permission setting.
Permission Bug: Whenever there is a Screenshot created and embedded by the add-on in the first post, a click on the screenshot itself triggers the link interstitial – although the user has permission "Disable External Link Interstitial" set to YES. Clicking on the text link itself does not trigger the interstitial (ok). Clicking on the screenshot triggers the interstitial ignoring permission setting.

Thanks for reporting. We'll address it with the next update.
Another "bug": When you set up Embed Screenshot As Image In First Post Of Selected Nodes and then have two links in the first post of which the first one is broken – the screenshot of the second link is placed at the first link. You can imagine that this will confuse users pretty much. ;)
Another "bug": When you set up Embed Screenshot As Image In First Post Of Selected Nodes and then have two links in the first post of which the first one is broken – the screenshot of the second link is placed at the first link. You can imagine that this will confuse users pretty much. ;)

Thanks again for reporting!
I have a question about the auto redirection.
The permissions correctly but the rederection doesn't work.
2016-08-01 21.51.20.webp
Did i forgot something?
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