Will you convert your vBulletin to XenForo when it's ready?

How fantastic will it be if Brian does an XFAdvanced?
He is registered here as "Brian"... check his public posts so far and you can see that he is looking forward to XF to play with.
Plus we want an "X3Arcade" as well!!!
Brian is also the lead developer of v3 Arcade as well and one way or another we will be porting v3A to XF. I've been thinking "XF Arcade" for the name. :D
I won't be converting my current sites over at first - too much to mess with - but I will be starting a new site or two with XF. I have to. I have no choice. A fine vintage cannot be wasted.

And wouldn't it be awesome to start from scratch and grow with these guys? :D
Since my community was a small group of friends that usually talks over AIM/MSN/Skype anyway, my VB forums had no real use and died.

I am, however, thinking of a fun project to do; and VB really is a bit too bloated to run a nice, thin forum software for my liking. I definitely am excited about XF, and want to try and test its mettle.
Actually Brian grabbed "XenAdvanced" but because I know that he is going to end up going "Darn it! I should have grabbed XFAdvanced instead!" I was a nice guy and grabbed those for him as well before somebody else did. When he is ready, or when he notices this thread, I'll transfer them over to his account. :D

I meant that he grabbed a domain, wasn't entirely sure which.
Actually Brian grabbed "XenAdvanced" but because I know that he is going to end up going "Darn it! I should have grabbed XFAdvanced instead!" I was a nice guy and grabbed those for him as well before somebody else did. When he is ready, or when he notices this thread, I'll transfer them over to his account. :D

You're a good man, Kevin.
If my two vBulletin 3.8 forums weren't customized in any way, yes, I would in a heartbeat. But it's just going to be too much of a task to convert established, customized, hobby forums. However, I most likely will be using XF for any future projects.
100's of factors in that question.

At the moment not until I could rip XF apart and add a gallery.
I have VBGallery from photopost installed with 23K + images in it that is an add-on for vBulletin.

I guess I could convert it to work with this forum or convert a photopost pro plugin to work, but it would be down the line once I get my hands in the code and see what the "hooks / plug-ins" language looks like in XF.

Zachariah, ever think about creating a paid media gallery add-on written for XF (similar to VBG)?
I doubt I will convert anything of significance, as the software will take years before it has the capacity to match features, mods, etc... or atleast closeness / alternatives too. I will absolutely be giving it a shot though on a new project...

When setting up our forums initially, I focused on keeping things as simple as possible. We are not using many modifications at all, so we should be able to start using xf quite quickly. :D
Depends on what the finished product looks like and if it meets our needs. Since CMS is most likely going to be put on the back burner in favor of getting just the forum software out, we won't be even thinking of switching.
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