Add-on WidgetPortal

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Is this just a single page type of Portal or can there be several instances of it like you could do with vbAdvanced CMPS pages?

You can see what my problem is and what I am trying to achieve with my post at:
Is this just a single page type of Portal or can there be several instances of it like you could do with vbAdvanced CMPS pages?

You can see what my problem is and what I am trying to achieve with my post at:
At the moment it's only a portal page located at "/home". Certainly it could be extended to do more "landing" type pages but as is it does not. That I could probably do, but would probably be paid custom code.
DD, what I mean is...if you take one of my vb sites using vbAdvanced CMPS as an example:

You will see the home page is a CMPS Portal page with widgets

Then if you clicked on "News" on the main menu of that site, another portal page opens with 2 widgets on it...the top widget pulls the latest threads in a forum and when you click on the thread in the top widget, the content of the first post is shown in the bottom widget...I am not asking about the widgets themselves as they are made to suit but having a Portal page for each section of your site that contains widgets that pull information from various areas of that section. If you then click on each of the sub menu items on that News Page, another "portal" page opens with different widgets on them (they are actually the same widgets but have different parameters set in the widget code).

Here for example is a list of widgets both default ones and ones that I created:

Here is a list of shall I call them portals (pages):

Here is the main site home page portal:

Here is the main News portal page

You can see what I mean by my need of having several Portal pages that can have widgets on them...does that clarify what I mean
Thanks Simbolo...seems it isn't going to be able to do what I need out of the box...a real shame and I can say anything is better then XenPorta so I hope you have great luck with your addon...I am sure every XF customer is going to appreciate it.
Thanks Simbolo...seems it isn't going to be able to do what I need out of the box...a real shame and I can say anything is better then XenPorta so I hope you have great luck with your addon...I am sure every XF customer is going to appreciate it.
Thanks! If you wanted to see if there was interest from other parties it might be feasible to crowd source funds for that functionality.
Oh, damn! If simbolo makes an alternative portal for xf, it will be very abruptly. The main thing that it was really better than xenporta. And by the way I not against to pay for such addon. Unfortunately, free addon it, as a rule, termination of its support in the future... if not at once... by the way, in xenporta slider of news very is pleasant, would be excellent to make same ;)
and here that wasn't pleasant in xenporta it is clumsy recentnews
by the way, in xenporta slider of news very is pleasant, would be excellent to make same
There will be a slide but I'm implementing it differently because I like a different style slider with thumbnails on the bottom.
that wasn't pleasant in xenporta it is clumsy recentnews
Define clumsy? Or better put, what didn't you like about it. I'm using WF thread widget as the base for the portal widget. In fact the base code is mostly the same (I pull a little more post information), display is what is mostly different.
The carousel you posted in the first post.
That's fair, I do like it so it's what I'll be using for this version. If a replica of xenPorta's carousel is what you would like I'll add that to the list for future development, but as with all other features no promises until after Alpha is released.
That's fair, I do so it's what I'll be using. If a replica of xenPorta's carousel is what you would like I'll add that to the list for future development, but as with all other features no promises until after Alpha is released.
Added that to the future widget list :)
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