Who is sticking around?

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I've been demotivated more by piracy than the various issues surrounding xenforo right now

In reality this means full ongoing support for existing paid addons but slightly slower development of new ones
I don't give piracy a second though. Piracy does not steal "potential" customers, it steals "never would be" customers.

Generally, people who pirate would never have paid for a product in the first place; so you're not losing any revenue from piracy. Worst case scenario, you gain a few customers who buy after the fact, or recommend the product to others who buy it.

I've been working in web-development for 15 years now, and I am a former pirate. I used to spend all my time trying to fight piracy, while at the same time pirating software myself. Eventually I decided that if a product is worth using, its worth paying for. When I stopped pirating myself, it allowed me to see the futility of fighting against it.
I'm still here.. not a coder or a designer, although I dabble. Same as Shelley, I'll stick around until it's dead and rotting because I enjoy using the software. Doesn't mean we can't worry about stuff though, even if I'm not vocal about my thoughts on the matter.

Jake - thought we weren't supposed to discuss vb stuff here? I know a few times other people have posted vb press releases/information, they've been removed as not being appropriate - has that changed now?
Yes you are, you're ranked 11th: http://xenforo.com/community/resources/?order=rating_weighted for Notifications.
but damn dude, you really blew $500? You either got guap or your not spending your money wisely.

Well I gladly contribute to projects - even if there isn't anything to see - if I know it's something I need or want.
I am a structured programmer and MS SharePoint Guru...
Object oriented with a splash of MVC is enough to make me scratch my head.
I know it's the future and needs to be learned, but I know when I need help and will pay to get it.

Also, since XF is new and not legacy PHP, I don't have all that ex-VB experience to pull on to do simple things (like add 1/2 hours intervals to Jaxel's Atendo).

Anyways, perhaps - but even now I'm happy with the sites I have... My wife gives me a monthly allowance and I use it how I want :-) - This month was toward a Leaf Thermostate System... LOL
Anyways, perhaps - but even now I'm happy with the sites I have... My wife gives me a monthly allowance and I use it how I want :) - This month was toward a Leaf Thermostate System... LOL
I see a fellow married man who has worked out a mutual spending arrangement with the SO. :D My wife likes clothes & shoes while I like shiny things. Up to a certain budget amount each month, we don't ask each too many questions about what is in the UPS boxes that get delivered. :giggle:
For what it's worth, I'm working on a number of large custom projects, one of which is nearly finished and currently in final testing stages. I'm working on another custom project after that with several more bubbling away in the background. I'm also available for other custom work and smaller requests.

I'm not in the top Resources section but I'll perhaps be there one day and I have no plans to abandon XF until such a time that it becomes necessary to (which I'm certain won't happen).
Yes you are, you're ranked 11th: http://xenforo.com/community/resources/?order=rating_weighted for Notifications.
Ummmm???? No.... I'm not :D
My bad quoted wrong poster.
Top 20

(currently I'm #15)

It's ranked by how many releases and how recent
He said top resources not authors. I think that section is more important than top authors. Anyone can post a lot of resources.
Well I gladly contribute to projects - even if there isn't anything to see - if I know it's something I need or want.
I am a structured programmer and MS SharePoint Guru...
Object oriented with a splash of MVC is enough to make me scratch my head.
I know it's the future and needs to be learned, but I know when I need help and will pay to get it.

Also, since XF is new and not legacy PHP, I don't have all that ex-VB experience to pull on to do simple things (like add 1/2 hours intervals to Jaxel's Atendo).

Anyways, perhaps - but even now I'm happy with the sites I have... My wife gives me a monthly allowance and I use it how I want :) - This month was toward a Leaf Thermostate System... LOL
I don't know any of that coding stuff. Who are some of the coders that dipped on you? I mean, like vanished or stopped caring. Man I would've bugged them for a refund or something. Kinda messed up...
Can I ask, of the developers still here, who is sticking around until we all get the final answer?
I think I have lost over $500 in donations/payments to folks who ending up disappearing before the item I paid for ever came to fruition.

I am also seeing more and more developers bailing out and leaving me/us with unsupported mods that were paid for...

I'm not trying to argue the whole - you got what you paid for - thing....
I am simply trying to take inventory of the items I have and may potentially install and make sure I know if those will be supported going forward.

I'm also getting very tired of kicking out large amounts of cash and then watching the person disappear - yeah, my choice/gamble - but still - it's getting old.

And to the Mods... This isn't a TROLL question... It's a REAL question that I think is reasonable to ask. No edits are allowed to this unless I am notified first.

Nailed it, feeling the same way at the moment.
I've been demotivated more by piracy than the various issues surrounding xenforo right now

In reality this means full ongoing support for existing paid addons but slightly slower development of new ones
While this not in any way makes it all right to pirate software, I was kinda surprised to see you changed your mass alert addon you released for free, suddenly to a paid product without any major changes. It's of course your own choice, but it did confuse me when I read your signature. :)

Also, I'm not a coder, but I'll be staying around. At the very least because I wouldn't know any competitor that's better than XenForo is right now.
I'm sitting here until Kier or Ashley write a post that says "We're no longer developing XenForo".
Yup, any mention of Mike or Kier gets quashed by the XenForo Censorship Bureau (XCB) :D
I have no reason to move. The current software does everything I require and there's no major bugs that impact me. The security is top notch and I've never had any issues with the software yet. Of course it would be nice if a few new features were added but currently there's nothing that I require.

The competition still isn't anywhere near XenForo in terms of using modern web technology, ease of use and customisation. If XenForo suddenly disappeared tomorrow, I think I would still use the software regardless.
Idea: Brisco (of Internet Brands) is about making money. vB5 is going to suck. That's bad for his business. If Xenforo 1.2 was vB5 his sales would skyrocket !

Time to reunite Xenforo and vBulletin !

Of course, I do know this is a good idea and virtually impossible all wrapped into one.
Maybe a friend of Brisco's could convince him that the $$$ is more important than his hatred of KAM.
I don't know any of that coding stuff. Who are some of the coders that dipped on you? I mean, like vanished or stopped caring. Man I would've bugged them for a refund or something. Kinda messed up...

Well I won't name any names as I believe a donation is just that - a donation.
Also, like XF, once I pay to receive an addon, I get what I paid for... After that, it's on the author's own good will to continue to support/develop the addon if the original worked when purchased.


It would be nice to know, to the maximum extent possible, if the coder plans to hang on...

I was good to hear from xfRocks....

Thanks to all who took the time to reply to my little "rant"... I have a good idea where I need to concentrate moving forward...
I've been promising a gallery for my members.... I kicked in to Galeria, then some custom work, and then another gallery....
No money was ever accepted for Galleria as both Onimua and Kovifor are generally wary of accepting money before a product can be shipped.
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