Who is sticking around?

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really? Personally i feel, that a big mass exodus is starting (several big client projects were stopped or are on "hold on" till some news from KAM or vB5 .......)

The mass exodus was of a vocal minority who change their allegiance at the drop of a pin.

It just seemed much bigger than the reality as they tried to kick up as much dirt as possible on the way out.
I'm still here... yes, updates to my mods have slowed down, because most of them are "done". There may be small bugs, but most of them are ONE LINE fixes that people can do themselves and don't warrant an entire release to fix.
Thank you Jaxel...
I'm not an add-on creator but i have given alot of my time to XF posting resources, mocking up layouts for add-on creators and 100's of other stuff to do my part in improving the xf comm. I'll repeat what I said last night....
Thank you Shelley
For what it's worth, I'm working on a number of large custom projects, one of which is nearly finished and currently in final testing stages. I'm working on another custom project after that with several more bubbling away in the background. I'm also available for other custom work and smaller requests.

I'm not in the top Resources section but I'll perhaps be there one day and I have no plans to abandon XF until such a time that it becomes necessary to (which I'm certain won't happen).
On the topic of the XF market continuing to grow. I have been absent from the XF forum for nearly 1 year and the registered users on this forum went from 18k one year ago to 22k today. Considering that not all of those 4k new users are actually buying XF I think it is still correct that XF is growing but the rate of growth is very low considering that XF was hailed as the best thing since sliced bread.

I feel that at the end of the day it doesn't really matter which forum has the best workings under the hood, what matters to forum operators and users alike is what is available to them in comparison to competing products. The 3rd party developer scene hasn't taken to XF (present company excluded of course but you know what I mean). It's a circular problem, many devs don't want to get into XF because there just aren't enough installations of it. New installations aren't happening at the desired rate because either essential functionality is missing from core or it's not available from 3rd parties.

I am launching a new project tomorrow and it will be on IPB because even though I had to drop $300 on the initial purchase to IP and then another 100 or so on mods and I have to pay $140 per year in support the functionality I want actually exists. IP.Nexus and IP.Gallery are brilliant products (though Gallery could use a bit more of vB's approach to personal albums) and they exist today, right now.
I requested an application for vB5 Beta but I might not complete it because I'm mentally exhausted plus I'm about to start school again. So with that said I'm sticking around *because most of the stuff I do or resources I create isn't even hard at all because I'm pretty much done working on my site anyway. I did an inventory of my addons last night and at least 90% of the 88 addons I have installed are free. I don't really need the ones I paid for and most of the ones I did pay for in the past, I don't even use. For instance, I don't use any of Robbo's paid addons and I bought all of his including custom work. I bought several of borbole's but I only use one... but damn dude, you really blew $500? You either got guap or your not spending your money wisely.

*Had some flashbacks.
I'm still here.. not a coder or a designer, although I dabble. Same as Shelley, I'll stick around until it's dead and rotting because I enjoy using the software. Doesn't mean we can't worry about stuff though, even if I'm not vocal about my thoughts on the matter.

Jake - thought we weren't supposed to discuss vb stuff here? I know a few times other people have posted vb press releases/information, they've been removed as not being appropriate - has that changed now?
I'm still here.. not a coder or a designer, although I dabble. Same as Shelley, I'll stick around until it's dead and rotting because I enjoy using the software. Doesn't mean we can't worry about stuff though, even if I'm not vocal about my thoughts on the matter.

Jake - thought we weren't supposed to discuss vb stuff here? I know a few times other people have posted vb press releases, they've been removed as not being appropriate - has that changed now?
that's the moderator bonus^^ (just like replying to closed threads...*scnr*)

For what it's worth, I'm working on a number of large custom projects, one of which is nearly finished and currently in final testing stages. I'm working on another custom project after that with several more bubbling away in the background. I'm also available for other custom work and smaller requests.

I'm not in the top Resources section but I'll perhaps be there one day and I have no plans to abandon XF until such a time that it becomes necessary to (which I'm certain won't happen).
And I and many others are very thankful you're working so hard on your releases, looking forward to what is released, and thankful that you're available to hire. (y)
Staying as well. This was my first time venturing into any sort of web development, and though I haven't done much, it certainly has helped me learn, and anyone that says XF is hard to mod/edit, I have a simple answer. WRONG! :P
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