Which FTP program do you use?

I see lots of people using CuteFTP, never used anything other than FileZilla. FileZilla has been great for me and I haven't needed to go elsewhere :)
I've used WS FTP Pro and CuteFTP Pro and both crapped out on me when WinSCP didn't. They would both load files that were zero'ed out...finally had my partner load a file for me, he said the problem was at my end because the file loaded fine...so I downloaded WinSCP at his suggestion and set it up...and my problems went away. I haven't looked back.

Now I needed to find one for the Mac side that I liked that worked very similar...tried Cyberduck, didn't like the interface. Tried Filezilla and it didn't like my sftp port since we use a non standard port. CrossFTP Pro was suggested and I really like it.
Ditto, I've used CuteFTP Pro for years on Windows and now for the last couple on Macs, it just works.
I started out with WS FTP, then moved to cute FTP Free when it first came out, then when Cute FTP Pro came out, I bought it, and been using it ever since.

Arny I see that alot of people use FileZilla too. I've never used it, as I've never had a need to move away from CuteFTP.
I started out with WS FTP, then moved to cute FTP Free when it first came out, then when Cute FTP Pro came out, I bought it, and been using it ever since.

Arny I see that alot of people use FileZilla too. I've never used it, as I've never had a need to move away from CuteFTP.
Same here, I've been using CuteFTP for 6 or 7 years now.
Is that when you send a file from your computer and it becomes a 0 MB file with nothing in it? That was the issue I had and nothing would fix it, so I switched. :/ *shrug*
Yep, exactly that.
Or prompting to overwrite an existing file in a previously empty directory.

In all my years of using FTP clients, FileZilla is the only one that has ever done this so I canned it.
Yep, exactly that.
Or prompting to overwrite an existing file in a previously empty directory.

In all my years of using FTP clients, FileZilla is the only one that has ever done this so I canned it.
That's what WS FTP Pro and Cute FTP Pro did to me, which is why I canned them. Never heard it referred to as phantom files but that was exactly it.
Strange about the phantom files in WS_FTP. I've been using it since 1999 and never saw that happen.

A couple months ago I switched to SmartFTP because I couldn't afford to upgrade WS_FTP. But every time I downloaded files from the server, SmartFTP compressed the files, making the code unreadable! I don't know if there's a setting to change that, but I decided to reinstall my older WS_FTP (Pro 2007) and use it after all. One of these days I'll try the other one again.
WS FTP Pro 95 .... old, but simple and faultless ... well, for the many years I've been using it anyway.

Never felt the need to upgrade it as it uploads / downloads files without issue and that's all I need.

Shaun :D
I have my hosting ready and it comes with C Panel with File Manager. The File Manager only allows you to install one item at a time, but I have heard that FTP gives a way around that? Anybody able to advise or suggest anything to spead up the process? I don't really want to spend the next X amount of hours installing and creating every file individually o_O

Filezilla is free and good.
Read this thread.
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