When you past the XF 2 from MyBB, FB User Login Problem


New member

I am just trying to figure out that when we just change our system of from, mybb to xenforo 2, what is going to be happen for fb api login users? Do we have any chance to transfer them all to login with xf2 fb login api.

Thank you
They likely won't transfer 100% seamlessly.

We don't transfer any data that would potentially allow the direct login by these users via Facebook. When the user tries to login via FB, if we detected that the FB account email matched a user email, then they would be forced to associate the FB account with their forum account. To do this, they would have to be logged into the forum account first. If they have a password set, this would be done as normal; otherwise, they would have to go through the lost password system to get a new password and get logged in, and then do the association.
They likely won't transfer 100% seamlessly.

We don't transfer any data that would potentially allow the direct login by these users via Facebook. When the user tries to login via FB, if we detected that the FB account email matched a user email, then they would be forced to associate the FB account with their forum account. To do this, they would have to be logged into the forum account first. If they have a password set, this would be done as normal; otherwise, they would have to go through the lost password system to get a new password and get logged in, and then do the association.
What about the old comments and posts, do they also transfer when they entered with the FB
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