Browser issue When users download wrong file type


Active member
Affected version
2.2.0 beta 4
When users click download button on iOS 13 and iOS 14 it’s downloaded wrong file type. This is only happened only when users download using pdf or patch file type its shouldn’t be downloading the pdf.html or patch.html file on iOS 13 and iOS 14

I am not sure this is happening on other Devices but for sure windows do not have this issue.

as well this is not happening on xenforo 2.1.10 patch 2

I also going to include 2 screenshots what’s I am taking about
Unfortunately this is almost certainly going to be a browser issue. It's clearly picking up the filename that we send which would not have the ".html" part (as demonstrated in other scenarios). iOS is presumably adding that though for quite unclear reasons, though it could potentially relate to some sort of extension whitelist.
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