what's a good antivirus program?

I use Norton Internet Security. No problems in over 4 years.
Norton? Oh god. The only computers I've seen with Norton on are ones that I've had to fix, and normally it's because of Norton. Same for McAfee if I remember correctly. If I was to use any anti-virus it'd be AVG (Free) alongside either "SpyBot - Search & Destory" or Lavasoft's "Ad-Aware" (Free). Just my two pence worth :)
Norton? Oh god. The only computers I've seen with Norton on are ones that I've had to fix, and normally it's because of Norton. Same for McAfee if I remember correctly. If I was to use any anti-virus it'd be AVG (Free) alongside either "SpyBot - Search & Destory" or Lavasoft's "Ad-Aware" (Free). Just my two pence worth :)
AVG isn't much better then Norton.

The best free anti-virus so far is Microsoft Security Essentials, which also works for spyware.
Anyways, if anyone wants the real, hard data on which anti-virus utilities perform best, I suggest you look at www.virusbtn.com and www.av-comparatives.org. :)

Granted, detection isn't the only thing to consider with an anti-virus application (ease of use, UI, and system performance are all huge), but it is a big part of it. :)
AVG isn't much better then Norton.
I wasn't saying, or implying, that either anti-virus is better than the other. I was merely saying that if I was to use any anti-virus, in a Windows environment, then I would use <Product Name here>. The reason I said AVG is because, quite simply, that's what I've always used. I didn't decide to use AVG because I was told to by statistics or an over-enthusiastic 'fanboy'. I chose, and choose, AVG because it's familiar.
I wasn't saying, or implying, that either anti-virus is better than the other. I was merely saying that if I was to use any anti-virus, in a Windows environment, then I would use <Product Name here>. The reason I said AVG is because, quite simply, that's what I've always used. I didn't decide to use AVG because I was told to by statistics or an over-enthusiastic 'fanboy'. I chose, and choose, AVG because it's familiar.
:P I wasn't saying anything bad about you using AVG, its just that they're not much better then Norton or McAfree.

There are way to many false positives, and they still miss viruses.

No system is 100% though, its just some of them are better in terms of resources, false positives and other variables that make them better. 
If you're concerned about whether or not you should have anti-virus software for your Mac (it does exist), you should read up on some articles online. Here are a few I've found quickly:
Should Mac Users Run Anti-Virus Software?
Antivirus Software On Your Mac: Yes or No?
Do You Need Anti-Virus Software?
Thanks for that Forsaken and Eriksrocks. I would actually say that these articles came close to mimicking what the tech guy at the apple store said. No, he wasn't just a salesman, he was only new to apple but worked as a tech with apples for many years prior, so I trusted his knowledge. What I read was pretty much the same... and we don't use our computers with hacked software, malware, porn or other known nasties. I shifted our emails to gmail long ago to remove the issue of viruses physically coming down to our systems in email, with the chance of them being installed if you use the preview pane, etc etc... All external and online, thus we only physically download something that we know who its from, know its coming and is not some funny, passed around the web type crap.

I would say that pretty much backs what we we're told, and I would still hold true that our mac doesn't require it. I do use NOD on the win7 partition it has running, just not on the OSX leopard, or whatever they call the latest. I may review that once we have gone all mac...
I'm using Nod32. Most likely the best antivirus software I know, it doesn't screw up your computer and it stops all viruses that I know of.

McAffee is probably the worst one I've ever dealt with. It blocks stuff that it really shouldn't block (installed programs for example, or the entire internet connection), is way too aggressive, can't be turned off without uninstalling. I seriously hate it.

Also, AVG free seems to be pretty annoying, I've learned quickly at my work. It misses a lot of viruses and in some cases it blocks the ability to send or receive emails.
How do you know you have it if nothing can see it? This is place where I would just reformat. ;)

Dr Antimalware constantly popping up. I have reformatted. It came back, after a few months :/ I'm using totally new media. I need to go through each site I visit to find the damn thing :/
Microsoft Security Essentials 2 is set to be good. So far, Malwarebytes has found 1 infection. It won't tell me what it is, before the end of the scan, I suspect.
Just curious what everyone here uses? I'm currently running Avast on this machine but, I've been a fan of AVG for years and have installed that on just about every machine that has crossed my path.
Use TrendMicro on the installs I do at companies that require management, it really can't be beat i my mind. Recently started using Microsoft Security Essentials on one off installs and it's ran well and kept the machines as free of spyware and virus as you can.
I've almost always used Norton Security on my computer, altho I did use AVG on my sons' computer for a while.
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