What would you pay for xenforo when its released ?

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Well-known member
Just curious on what the members here would pay for xenforo ... I put the price in yearly terms for simplification ... this could serve as a guide for the owners and lets me test the poll feature :D
It scraps renewal fees and people having to keep up with paying bills. It allows people to get support for their version without having to pay extra. It allows people to get bug/exploit patches without having to renew (if expired). It's a one-time payment.

Sorry if I'm jumping to conclusions because the license hasn't even been released yet so I could be completely wrong about bugfixes etc. 8-)
It scraps renewal fees and people having to keep up with paying bills. It allows people to get support for their version without having to pay extra. It allows people to get bug/exploit patches without having to renew (if expired). It's a one-time payment.

That's certainly my preference as I feel forums are more likely to remain patched and secure with that kind of licensing model.
I never complained about the Jelsoft model, so it's all fine with me. If I need it, and I can afford it, I will pay.
I would be happy to pay (approx):

$200-$250 for a lifetime license with a $60 yearly renewal


$100 for a yearly license (That must be renewed to continue using the software).
I would be happy to pay (approx):

$200-$250 for a lifetime license with a $60 yearly renewal


$100 for a yearly license (That must be renewed to continue using the software).

I wouldn't want to buy a license for something I have to stop using after a year if I choose not to renew.

I do not always renew my license, and sometimes sit on certain versions for a long time (I continued to use 3.6.x for a long time after 3.7.x was released, because a lot of the customization done to my site would have been a pain to re-do).
It scraps renewal fees and people having to keep up with paying bills. It allows people to get support for their version without having to pay extra. It allows people to get bug/exploit patches without having to renew (if expired). It's a one-time payment.

Sorry if I'm jumping to conclusions because the license hasn't even been released yet so I could be completely wrong about bugfixes etc. :cool:
This doesn't work because it gives the developers no incentive to keep developing the software. Everyone buys version 1, now they really have no incentive to keep developing 1.x and add new features, etc. They can put off any big new ideas they have for version 2, at which point you have to pay another x dollars.

With the Jelsoft (renewals) model, the developers are forced to keep developing the software at full-tilt, adding new features, etc. so that people will renew their licenses to get the latest version. You also don't have the "well, this feature is held off for 2.x, so you'll have to buy version 2 if you want it" problem.

The users aren't forced to buy something that they aren't sure has a clear future (you can just wait until a version you like is released, and then renew the license to get access to the latest version), and the developers have an incentive to continue developing the product as best as they can. :)
I would prefer renewals like IPB and Jelsoft.
For the price, I think $100/$150 with a yearly $50 renewal it's a good value.
xF can block access to support forums (like IPB) and people can continue to run their board has usual but without official support.
If they want to upgrade or have support they just renew their licence.
It's fair for both costumers and company.
@Above: Simplest way to do it is to just use paid subscriptions (or something of the sort)... that way the user automatically reverts if they don't pay their subscription.

I have complete faith that Kier and Mike will be competitive and fair, our own opinion isn't going to affect that... much.
jelsoft offered a vb lite in the early days.
of course the problem was that people like me were hacking in full functionality, creating boards more feature rich than the paid product.
...P.S: I wonder if any previous forum software have offered "lite" versions that aren't feature-rich and sold at a cheaper price...
vB Lite was never intended to be a truly "free" version of vB, though. It was basically a precursor to the scripts you can run now to simply see if your server can actually support the software.

At least, that is what Jelsoft has always maintained about vB Lite.
I think that a 1000-posts limited and encoded version of xF can be relased for free...
This would bring an explosion of the board, that is not a good thing for sure.
Well Kier did say that the pricing would be competative. So $200 per year is way over the top IMO.

Most of us are ignoring the 'per year' part, and just stating what price we'd like to see the software at.

I think a good admin demo would be more benefit.

I truly wish they do this, at least for new customers. If I had been able to test out the backend functionality before paying for a product, I'd have saved a lot of money (Especially with vB4).
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