XF 1.5 What is the purpose of 'search ID' in every search performed on XenForo?

It's for optimization (searches can be slow and need permission checks) and for consistency (so the results don't change during the search).
Storing the information in database would mean that I can retrieve my search at a later point. Any reason that it's not stored in a global scope like SESSION or COOKIE? Searches are temporary; what's the reason for storing them?
They're cleaned up periodically.

But they store a variety of a data so a cookie would not be appropriate (and they can potentially cross session boundaries, plus you may have multiple searches simultaneously).
They're cleaned up periodically.

But they store a variety of a data so a cookie would not be appropriate (and they can potentially cross session boundaries, plus you may have multiple searches simultaneously).
Thanks! This is very interesting! Really appreciate your responses.
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