XF 1.4 Welcome to XenForo 1.4 / More Assorted Improvements

Welcome to XenForo 1.4. As we are nearing a beta release, it's now time to upgrade XenForo.com and put the new code through its paces. Once we're happy with the state of it, an unsupported beta version will be made available to all customers with active licenses.

However, there are still some other improvements to discuss in 1.4. Over time, you may see tweaks that haven't been explicitly called out or adjustments to features that have been shown in previous Have You Seen's.

Forum option: moderate new threads and replies separately
Previously, forums could only be set to moderate all posts or none. This option has now been split to give you the option to control moderation of new threads and new replies separately:


As before, users that can approve posts will bypass these moderation limits.

Require location on registration/profile edit
The location field can now be set as required in the options. If enabled, the location field will be displayed/required at registration and the user will not be able to edit their profile unless they enter a valid location. The location field will be required for registrations from social networks as well.

Custom BB codes: Allow empty
Up until now, if you created a custom BB code that contained no content, it will be ignored and not be rendered. You can now disable this behavior.

The common example is creating a BB code that represents a horizontal rule with this code: [hr][/hr] This example will now work as expected if this option is enabled:


Thread list date limit for performance
Particularly busy or particularly large forums can now set a limit to only display threads that have been updated recently:


This is primarily an option to aid performance. If you have a forum with a large number of threads in it, the standard listing queries will need to look at many of the records to determine if they should be counted. By restricting this to displaying only recent threads by default, fewer records need to be considered.

This option only applies when sorting by the default (last message date). If the sort direction is changed, the limitation will be removed. Further, when a visitor reaches the last page, they will be given the option to display older threads should it be required:


Bulk watch thread management (end user and admin)
End users can now quickly disable all email notifications or stop watching all threads from the watched threads list:


Similarly, admins can now disable watched thread email notifications or remove all thread watch records for a user via the control panel:


More detailed user activity display option
The user visibility option has now been split into two parts:


In versions before 1.4, if you had the online status option enabled, it was equivalent to enabling both options. Now, you can set it such that users can see if you're online (such as via the active user lists or the online status indicator) but prevent users from seeing the specific page you are viewing at any given time.

This can help deal with situations where people feel like they're being stalked around the forum. Personally, I've seen more than a few messages saying "OMG, Mike is viewing the Announcements forum! Half-Life 3 confirmed!" when I just went to check something. That said, I don't generally mind if people know when I'm around.

Users with the ability to bypass privacy settings will be able to see the exact page a user is viewing regardless of this setting.

So, aside from adjustments to come based on feedback, that wraps up what's coming in 1.4. Once we're happy with how it's running here on XenForo.com, the beta testing phase will begin.

That takes us to... What's next for XenForo? XenForo 2.0. Please see the linked thread for more information and discussion.

Just a reminder: This is still a Have You Seen thread. Please do not post general 1.4 or 2.0 discussion here. Please do not post suggestions in this thread (even if you feel they are related). Use the dedicated suggestion forum so they can be tracked.
I understand it is publicly visible (for members - I don't allow guests to view profiles - so not sure how that plays out with this).
It is just a gut feeling - if someone is reaching out to a specific member on their profile post board about something , it is because they just want to hear back from that member, not the whole community. So highlighting that on the board index is the 'invasion.' As an admin, I also let profile posts be a lot more casual (less moderated) - that would have to change with this.

So profile posts are somewhere between threads and conversations to me.

I think it is cool in ways (spam) and obviously there are people here that welcome it. I just hope there is a toggle or usergroup setting attached to it. Pardon me if there is, I watched that video last week.

My 2 cents.
The profile posts will only be visible to those with the relevant view permission.

You can though disable it should you wish to do so.

So this is a global setting and not member selective?
The overall feature is a global setting, as @Brogan's picture shows. However if it is enabled by the admin, then only members whose profiles are set to public (by the individual member) will have their profile posts shown in the New Profile Posts tab.
It is just a gut feeling - if someone is reaching out to a specific member on their profile post board about something , it is because they just want to hear back from that member, not the whole community. So highlighting that on the board index is the 'invasion.'
Users should be using private conversations for this. Profile posts are exactly like wall posts on Facebook, they are visible to everyone who has permission. I'd never post anything private in a profile post or a Facebook wall post.
I should clarify my post above.

The option only relates to the block on the sidebar.
There is no option to disable the tab on the New Posts page.

The concerns regarding privacy are a bit strange.
Any profile posts shown there are already visible, both in Recent Activity and on individual profile pages.

All these changes have done is make the content more discoverable, which is something many people complained about.
That is simple enough to do with a template conditional.

Post a thread in the styling and customizations forum. Someone will talk you through removing it.
Awesome! Can't wait for this to get out of beta! My favorite part:

Custom BB codes: Allow empty
Up until now, if you created a custom BB code that contained no content, it will be ignored and not be rendered. You can now disable this behavior.

The common example is creating a BB code that represents a horizontal rule with this code: [hr][/hr] This example will now work as expected if this option is enabled:

View attachment 79109
Loads of great tweaks and features here. Am almost tempted jump straight into XF1.4 instead of 1.3. However, I suspect I'll have to wait a bit longer for a gold release of 1.4. :D
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