Watched Threads Filtering

Watched Threads Filtering [Paid] 1.10.3

No permission to buy ($30.00)
Send notifications by default for
  • None
  • New threads
  • Don't send notifications The forum will still be listed on the watched forums page, which can be used to list only the forums you're interested in.
These are new options in the forum edit page. Could you please clarify what the last option does, please? I’m still not getting it.
Xon updated Watched Threads Filtering with a new update entry:

1.5.0 - Feature update

  • Force global namespace for functions which are known to be optimizable to bytecode in php
  • Fix compatibility when extending setting state for all watched threads
  • Add sorting by;
    • Word count (if Threadmarks & Word Count add-on is installed)
    • Last threadmark date (if Threadmarks v2.11.0+ is installed)
    • Last watcher count (if Threadmarks v2.11.0+ is installed)

Read the rest of this update entry...
Xon updated Watched Threads Filtering with a new update entry:

1.7.0 - Maintenance & bugfix update

  • Require Standard Library by Xon v1.8.0+
  • If installed, strongly recommend MultiPrefix v2.9.0+
  • Fix editing a forum would not correctly display the selected "Send notifications by default for" value
  • Fix prefix filtering without MultiPrefix installed would not render
  • Rebuild prefix/forum filtering rendering into template macros (svWatchedThreadFiltering_macros::render*) for HTML template generation to expose greated customization for styling.

Read the rest of this update entry...
No, that isn't supported.

Eventually is possible to add this function? Is something that can be useful. We use custom field with interest during registration, if we could associate forums with the interests the user gives they will start receiving notifications based on those preferences right after registration.
Where do you set this?

  • When a user is made a moderator, enroll the user for default-watches in forums they can view
It is done automatically when the user is made a moderator (assumes group selection is done in a single step). Alternatively you can tick "Add watches for viewable forums based on "Send notifications by default for" configuration" on the edit profile to manually trigger this.
"Add watches for viewable forums based on "Send notifications by default for" configuration"
I'm completely missing something here, I think. I cannot find this option anywhere. I can't visualise the paths and how it presents to the user.

"on the edit profile" - Which profile?
OK there it is on the User profile. It does not come up in Admin CP search.


"It is done automatically when the user is made a moderator (assumes group selection is done in a single step)."

I don't understand what you mean by "group selection is done in a single step".

I'm sure it's pretty simple and I'm just missing something very obvious. Perhaps some screen grabs of the Admin screens would help?
I guess the save of filters should be standard everywhere, please. Also for the filters for watched threads. People dont understand why they can save their filters on some places and on other places not.
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