Watched Threads Filtering

Watched Threads Filtering 1.11.3

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Q. How to bulk-enroll forums to be automatically watched for new users;
A. To enroll all forums to be watched for new threads by default;
update xf_forum
set send_notifications_for_by_default = 'thread';

To enroll all forums to be watched for new threads by followers by default (Requires Thread Starter Alerts v2.1.0+);
update xf_forum
set send_notifications_for_by_default = 'followed_user_thread';

Update existing user's watched forum configuration( Requires Thread Starter Alerts v2.1.0+);
insert ignore into xf_forum_watch (user_id, node_id, notify_on,send_alert)
select xf_user.user_id, xf_forum.node_id, 'followed_user_thread', 1
from xf_user, xf_forum
where xf_user.is_banned = 0 and xf_user.user_state = 'valid'
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