Well-known member
When manually watching a thread, the current default is to not receive email notifications
I always prefer to get email notifications, so it would be good to have a preference option to change this default.
How about a radio button option in preferences to set the default option?
Actually, it would be even more useful to have the option to avoid the popup completely - so the preference could be about setting automatic behaviour when clicking "Watch".
In user preferences:
When watching threads manually ...
It might also be useful to change the behaviour when clicking on Unwatch to always show a popup giving more options - because sometimes you want to change how you watch an individual thread. This would be especially useful if the above suggestion about setting automatic behaviour is implemented, so you can easily override things for individual threads.
When clicking "Unwatch":
Unwatch thread ...
I always prefer to get email notifications, so it would be good to have a preference option to change this default.
How about a radio button option in preferences to set the default option?
Actually, it would be even more useful to have the option to avoid the popup completely - so the preference could be about setting automatic behaviour when clicking "Watch".
In user preferences:
When watching threads manually ...
[o] show watch choices popup every time
[ ] always watch and receive email notifications
[ ] always watch without receiving email notifications
It might also be useful to change the behaviour when clicking on Unwatch to always show a popup giving more options - because sometimes you want to change how you watch an individual thread. This would be especially useful if the above suggestion about setting automatic behaviour is implemented, so you can easily override things for individual threads.
When clicking "Unwatch":
Unwatch thread ...
[o] stop watching this thread
[ ] watch this thread without receiving email notifications
[ ] watch this thread and receive email notifications