
  1. Sim

    Lack of interest Watch thread default preferences

    When manually watching a thread, the current default is to not receive email notifications I always prefer to get email notifications, so it would be good to have a preference option to change this default. How about a radio button option in preferences to set the default option? Actually...
  2. Mr Lucky

    XF 1.4 cannot change style in user preferences

    I am finding that users cannot change their style in preferences, If the choose a different style and then save, nothing changes. However it works fine when choosing the style from the selection in bottom left of page. Can anyone help please?
  3. creativeforge

    XF 1.5 ACP Preferences - Style not the one I picked?

    OK, ready for a dumb question? When I look at individual users settings in the ACP, under the tab "Preferences" I see in the Style field: (Use default style). Does that mean they are using the style called Default Style, or that they are using the default style I selected in...
  4. Sheldon


    Sheldon submitted a new resource: Favorites - Your members certainly have one.... Read more about this resource...
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