Fixed Watch Forum functionality not following user preferences

Chris D

XenForo developer
Staff member
I have watched HYS and Announcements forums.

The options I chose were to watch, with alert for new threads only.

I just received an e-mail when @MattW responded (but not @Kier who posted earlier - though I was quite quick to read that when I saw it in the forum list).
I'm now doubting myself as I may very well have asked it to e-mail me.

But pretty sure I would have only done so on New Threads rather than New Messages.

I will do some more testing.
Confirmed for me, or at least I've found something related: I watch (with alert and e-mail) HYS (for threads only) and get an e-mail when someone replies to a thread I watch, even though I have e-mails disabled for threads. Unwatching the thread doesn't actually do anything - I still get e-mailed when the thread is replied to.

Unwatching the forum appears to fix this problem.
I've got the same problem. I'm subscribed for alerts on new thread, but I'm getting alerts for new posts.
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