
It's still lagging here

Most of the lag is coming from the background-attachment: fixed; on the html element

And the remainder from the menu that attaches to the top of the viewport when you scroll down

Hey Luke, this lag... I don't seem to see it in desktop browsers only on my Windows phone...

Is there anyway you could record what lag it is your seeing? Sorry, I just can't see it on desktop browsers.
It's early I know... But I've heavily modified my default theme for Halloween.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "default" choose "Halloween" and let me know what you think :D

Better! Might change vegan to orange, it somewhat clashes and the notice icon avatar from green to a real dark orange like maybe #c13507 maybe the icons to that too, so they aren't so bright against the links. Would for sure do something with the leaf too, wilt it.. or maybe a web with a spider.. or maybe make the leaf look like a ghost.
I don't have photo shop on this PC so that'll have to wait, I was thinking I'd use another pumpkin image for the notice rather than the avatar?
Definitely will mess around with the leaf :D
I don't have photo shop on this PC so that'll have to wait, I was thinking I'd use another pumpkin image for the notice rather than the avatar?
Definitely will mess around with the leaf :D

Pumpkin would be cool or maybe a ghost or a gravestone.. Just something that fits the color scheme and theme. A pic of a big juicy Wendy's Baconaitor might scare your members too :D hehe
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