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vBulletin 4 Importer

I started on a fresh install but I'm now getting:

Mysqli statement execute error : Duplicate entry 'Robbert13.' for key 'username'

I don't think it likes the . in the name for some reason and is possibly finding a match with the non fullstop version. There are three similar usernames in my vb database:


Renaming the one (in my vb database) with a fullstop at the end allowed me to progress.

For usernames with commas in them it offers me the choice of renaming them so I'm not sure why this issue is occuring with fullstops (if it is that). I wasn't getting this problem before upgrading this importer.
I'm not sure why this issue is occuring with fullstops (if it is that). I wasn't getting this problem before upgrading this importer.
Because it [now] automatically changes commas to full stops, as commas are not allowed in usernames.

Im truely amazed. The use of commas in usernames is rare (in my experience anyway), the chances of changing the comma to a full stop then clashing with another username must be very rare, or at least I would have thought so. Maybe I should use a different character.
Did an import last night with this latest version, and I must say overall it has improved vastly on performance to import between xenforo's recent changes to the original and your additions Paul. Nice...
Because it [now] automatically changes commas to full stops, as commas are not allowed in usernames.

Im truely amazed. The use of commas in usernames is rare (in my experience anyway), the chances of changing the comma to a full stop then clashing with another username must be very rare, or at least I would have thought so. Maybe I should use a different character.

I aim to amaze lol. Guess it depends on the size of the userbase. We have about 30k members. The original version of the importer found about 6 usernames with commas in them. 4 of which were just copies of the original name with a comma at the end. The other 2 were genuine names but they'll have to get used to having a new name. I think there's always going to a small chance of a conflict no matter what character you decide to use. Possibly keep it as it is but if there's still a conflict then give the user a choice (like the first version).

Though I think it should probably mention in the import somewhere which members have been auto renamed and how because that may cause some confusion if those users try to log in with their old details and it suddenly doesn't work any more. The forum admin should be pre-warning them. Obviously this is talking about when it's in a production environment so at the moment it won't be having any impact.
Possibly keep it as it is but if there's still a conflict then give the user a choice (like the first version).
I wasnt aware it actually gave you the choice to rename them. I'll check that out, and if its the case then its probably better left that way.
Yeah on my first import it came back with a list of the usernames which had commas in them and then it lets you enter an alternative name for each of them (and obviously it then checked that the name you entered didn't already exist).

But sure, sounds good. I got around it for the time being by just changing the name in the vb database as I'm running on my local anyway. And glad to see that the posts/threads went through fine this time :). I do think Forums needs to be a stepped import too though (not sure if that's to do with your script or the original importer). Got several hundred in my database and the page just stays loading for absolutely ages (finished after about an hour but there's no indication on how much it's done whilst its loading).
Gave me that option with an earlier installer, but not with the current one. Hopefully it just changed it for me, as I knew one username had a comma in it.
If you were going that direction then you'd probably allow the admin to select which character to replace comma's with rather than just having a checkbox. But for me that's overkill. Besides any automated system has a minimal chance of failure because that new username may already exist. So it's not worth the risk.

Going back to the manual selection per User is the best solution and means that you'll know exactly which users have had their names changed because your the one who changed them.
The screenshots for the social groups is the new thread created in the xf forum from the existing social group discussion. You will see page one, it is correct, being it imported the discussion posts, created the thread... but then you can see on the second image the empty pages it has created in the new thread.

Weird or what?
I located the reason for this, and it will be fixed in v1.25

Imports [positive] reputation as 'Likes'.

Also a bit of extra logic around post titles, they should be bypassed if they match the thread title (ignoring 'Re:' as well).
you are the best in the world paul thanx i was about to do the import today
with this you complete my dream
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