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vBulletin 4 Importer

Here's more info. Mike posted a patch earlier :)

Looks like the fix for stripping out 4-byte UTF-8 characters was incorrect (my fault!). I appears to actually be stripping 5 byte UTF-8 characters (with a slight mistake), which aren't actually allowed by the RFC anyway. (As a note, MySQL only supports 3 bytes UTF-8 chars, which represents the BMP.)

To anyone having this issue, try this as a fix. In library/XenForo/Importer/vBulletin.php, change the following line:
return preg_replace('/[\xF8-\xFB].../', '', $string);
return preg_replace('/[\xF0-\xF4].../', '', $string);
This code is effectively the last line in the file. I believe that should prevent/fix this error then.

Now to solve this annoying 408 timeout when importing CMS entries.
Hi, I am currently trying to import from my running vB into a XF test area. The configuration of the importer is no problem, it recognizes the database and it sets the folder images/attachments and ./customavatars correctly by itself. However when I want to go on I get the errors
  • The attachments directory could not be found.
  • The avatars directory could not be found.
No matter what paths I enter it's always the same. When I empty the fields I can go on but then nothing can be imported at all. Any idea of what I am doing wrong (only usergroups would be possible)? Thanks a lot.
Hi, I am currently trying to import from my running vB into a XF test area. The configuration of the importer is no problem, it recognizes the database and it sets the folder images/attachments and ./customavatars correctly by itself. However when I want to go on I get the errors
  • The attachments directory could not be found.
  • The avatars directory could not be found.
No matter what paths I enter it's always the same. When I empty the fields I can go on but then nothing can be imported at all. Any idea of what I am doing wrong (only usergroups would be possible)? Thanks a lot.
you can try

../forum/ attachments
Thanks, but no, that doesn't help. I tried all kinds of links, default settings, with ../, without, with http://www, with the server adress, anything. All I get is the error message that the directories cannot be found or a server error occurred... :-(. I would at least like to import all forums, threads&posts, users and so on... No other idea what I could try or what I am doing wrong (and it must be on my side as so many people here don't have problems...). Thanks!
Are your attachments actually on the same server ?

The xenforo installation actually needs to be able to read the folder they are in.

If it comes to the worst - go into the vbulletin acp and import them back into the vb database.
New version uploaded.

This has the latest utf8 bugfix, plus a few other minor changes.

It also attempts to work out the percentage progress in a better way, based on the actual number of items to be processed.

The current system based on item ids is not very accurate.
Are your attachments actually on the same server ?

The xenforo installation actually needs to be able to read the folder they are in.

No, they are not on the same server, the XF test installation is somewhere else. OK, but then I at least know what the problem is and can deal with this ;-). Thanks!
Last weekend, I did an import that took almost 48 hours. It seemed to choke on PM's. Last night, a similar import using the lastest importer ran in less than 1 hour. Awesome work Paul.
Hit an issue doing a test import of users from my main site - caused by usernames that were too large for XF (it has a limit of 50), but also identical in the first 50 chars - it caused the import to stall with a duplicate key error. The names were actually utf8 as well (my test forum is not) so were actually over 100 chars in length !. I had to include a little fudge in the code to fix this. I doubt this will be an issue for the vast majority, but the fudge will be in my next release.
Thats correct, and not a bug.
but this would affect how links are redirect
this would change the result in google search
and then visitor would not find what they are looking for in my forum

to me it looks like a bug
this is not what mean..
the bug is e.g i have number under the name of "sam" his id member is (id:3) in VB. known that i have deleted a user (id:2) in vb
what xf importer does in this situation ?
since they are not any real user in (id2) , therefore they convert "sam" to (id:2)
If you deleted a lot of threads and members. the Id number would change in every thread
i am not looking for redirection scripts i can do it through .htaccess
I guess you do not really understand how that scripts work. When you import vbulletin to xenforo, an importer stores old to new ids map in a special table. The script uses that information to make a correct redirection. For example, you had a thread with id 5 in vBulletin. In XenForo the id bacame 7. Information that a thread with id 5 in vBulletin is a thread with id 7 on XenForo is stored in the database. So when you use that redirection script and access showthread.php?t=5 it redirects you to the /threads/7, not /threads/5
but this would affect how links are redirect
this would change the result in google search
and then visitor would not find what they are looking for in my forum

to me it looks like a bug

I guess you dont understand how importers work. :)

They do not carry over existing userids, threadids, postids or any other form of internal id.

To follow old ids, you need some form of re-director script as detailed above.

Its not a bug, its a basic fact of importer functionality, and isnt going to change.
Thanx for explaining that to me. Now is time to upgrade my live site to XF

If I import my vb site to xf now without the photo albums
do you think i would be able to restore these albums later on (of course if xf decide to have photo albums as core feature)
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