XF 1.5 Various MyBB issues


Active member
1) Are bugs in the MyBB importer still being tracked? It managed to screw up forum admins rather badly.

2) Where are self-closing tags? I found a post from a dev that said the parser supports them, but (at least in 1.x) the configuration option doesn't seem to be in setting up custom bbcode.

3) My forum has twenty million private messages. Who did this:

			$users = $sDb->fetchPairs('
				SELECT uid, username
				FROM ' . $prefix . 'users
				WHERE uid IN (' . $sDb->quote($pm['toid']) . ',' . $sDb->quote($pm['fromid']) . ')

4) Has anyone altered the MyBB importer to assign pms to conversations yet? I know this isn't difficult (at least for a basic version), but am curious if anyone else has done it already.
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