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[] QuoteCollapse 1.2

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I wasn't all to surprised either, but I was indeed hoping it would. Clearly not your fault at all.

But thank you for your consideration and if you are able to get it working, I would be very thankful. :)
Quick question on it.

I believe in that add on you can either use the default XenForo template for quotes or Facil's template for quotes. How do you have it configured? And does my add-on work if the XenForo template is used?
Quick question on it.

I believe in that add on you can either use the default XenForo template for quotes or Facil's template for quotes. How do you have it configured? And does my add-on work if the XenForo template is used?

I believe I'm using XenFacil_Quote

I never did use the other template because I assumed (bb code) and I wanted it to do it automatically.... Unless I misunderstand and it could have worked with the bb code template.
Hmm it has seem that this does not work in private conversations, but I have confirm it works in posts/threads
Quick question on it.

I believe in that add on you can either use the default XenForo template for quotes or Facil's template for quotes. How do you have it configured? And does my add-on work if the XenForo template is used?

OK... I feel stupid.... LOL

I finally understood what you meant by using that setting.

You modification works now, but as a side note; if someone quotes a quote and that 2nd or 3rd quote is small... It shows up empty until you click on "view full quote". Which is acceptable to me, but worth making a small note of it.

Screenshot from 2012-05-06 09:13:50.webp
I get that in forum posts too. :(
That'll be fixed in the next version.

I will look at getting rid of the images too - can't promise anything on that though.

Also I'm working on an alternative position (you can specify in options) for the read more/less link. Where it will appear in the lower centre of the quote box in a little tab.

Regardless of the new position, the issue with the top right position when plain quote tags are used without a name specified will also be fixed.

Also haven't looked at the ellipses yet, but sure this will be possible too.
I request to add "..." to ending in short version (collapsed).
I will look at this. By default it adds ellipses to the start of the Read more tag so due to its positioning I turned it off. I'll see what I can do.
I just managed to do this by replacing this (in jquery.expander.js):

summaryText = backup(summaryText, o.preserveWords);

With this:

summaryText = backup(summaryText, o.preserveWords) + '...';
That'll be fixed in the next version.

I will look at getting rid of the images too - can't promise anything on that though.
I already remove the images from the css. I don't think it provides much benefit and it may not fit in a custom style.
After the first use, people will just click on the link and won't bother looking at the images.
Less images, faster loading.
I just managed to do this by replacing this (in jquery.expander.js):

summaryText = backup(summaryText, o.preserveWords);

With this:

summaryText = backup(summaryText, o.preserveWords) + '...';
It's probably best not to make changes to this file in case the file is updated in a future version.

I will enable it is a configurable option in the next version.
I just managed to do this by replacing this (in jquery.expander.js):

summaryText = backup(summaryText, o.preserveWords);

With this:

summaryText = backup(summaryText, o.preserveWords) + '...';
Seeing as I'm incredibly dumb when it comes to javascript, do you know whether it's possible to affect that change by adding something within the <script> tags in the template rather than changing the main js file itself?
I just managed to do this by replacing this (in jquery.expander.js):

summaryText = backup(summaryText, o.preserveWords);

With this:

summaryText = backup(summaryText, o.preserveWords) + '...';
I'm stealing your exact method to do this :D So thank you.

Won't be a customisable option.
I'm stealing your exact method to do this :D So thank you.

Won't be a customisable option.
Cool, but I've actually made it customizable now, so feel free to implement this in your addon. :)

In the addon-QuoteCollapse.xml I've added this:

<option option_id="sliceSuffix" edit_format="textbox" data_type="string" can_backup="1">
  <relation group_id="QuoteCollapse" display_order="1"/>


<phrase title="option_sliceSuffix" version_id="0" version_string="1.0"><![CDATA[Quote Slice Suffix]]></phrase>
<phrase title="option_sliceSuffix_explain" version_id="0" version_string="1.0"><![CDATA[This is the suffix which is displayed after the slice. Default is ...]]></phrase>

And replaced this:

    slicePoint: {$xenOptions.slicePoint},
    widow: 2,
    expandEffect: 'slideDown',
    expandSpeed: {$xenOptions.expandSpeed},
    collapseEffect: 'slideUp',
    collapseSpeed: {$xenOptions.collapseSpeed},
    expandText: '{$xenOptions.expandText}',
    userCollapseText: '{$xenOptions.collapseText}',
    expandPrefix: ''

With this:

    slicePoint: {$xenOptions.slicePoint},
    widow: 2,
    expandEffect: 'slideDown',
    expandSpeed: {$xenOptions.expandSpeed},
    collapseEffect: 'slideUp',
    collapseSpeed: {$xenOptions.collapseSpeed},
    expandText: '{$xenOptions.expandText}',
    userCollapseText: '{$xenOptions.collapseText}',
    expandPrefix: '',
    sliceSuffix: '{$xenOptions.sliceSuffix}'

And then in jquery.expander.js I've replaced:

summaryText = backup(summaryText, o.preserveWords);


summaryText = backup(summaryText, o.preserveWords) + o.sliceSuffix;

With these edits, the slice suffix is customizable from the QuoteCollapse Options. :)
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