Utilize More Detailed Activity Locations


Well-known member
Based on my post here and Chris saying it was a valid suggestion and it doesn't break backward compatibility:

Well, XF2 doesn't necessarily do anything more to help us achieve this. The phrase that's in use currently is just in use because we feel it's the most appropriate phrase to use. Arguably, the phrase we use in any session activity output can be changed at any time; making a change here wouldn't really break any backwards compatibility. So, realistically it's just a case of making a suggestion and if there's a compelling reason to change something then it will be considered.

I was going to wait until XenForo 2 came out on this forum, but I figured I'd do it now. It likely won't be implemented in the XenForo 1 branch, but there's also no use in prefixing this XenForo 2. ;)

Anyway, these are the areas where I feel different and more detailed activity phrases are needed as well as my reasons why. I may likely come across more and add them as I find then. If I can't edit my OP, I'll ask a staff member if they'd mind editing it in to keep it organized.

Note: Text that is bold and colored blue, like this, indicates that said text would be a hyperlink to, for example, a resource category. Also note that this isn't strictly about adding more detailed activity locations, some may just be suggestions for a slight tweak to the current activity location, but this is of course mostly about using more detailed activity locations as that's why I made that post.

Here's the format I will use. If the same suggestion applies to two pages, I will make it clear.

Category: General, resource manager, or media gallery

Page (Relevant URL Portion with Hyperlink)
  • Current Activity Name: X
  • Suggested Activity Name: Y
  • Alternate Suggested Activity Name: Z. (Will only appear when I have one.)
  • Reason: Reason

Unfortunately, due to the 10,000 character limit, I need to split this into three separate posts. However, still like only the OP if you agree with this. The three posts will of course be a part of it.
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Latest Alerts (account/alerts)
  • Current Activity Name: Managing account details
  • Suggested Activity Name: Viewing latest alerts
  • Reason: The current activity name is too generic, and by definition, nothing is being managed.

Your News Feed (account/news-feed)
  • Current Activity Name: Managing account details
  • Suggested Activity Name: Viewing news feed
  • Reason: The current activity name is too generic, and by definition, nothing is being managed.

Likes You've Received (account/likes)
  • Current Activity Name: Managing account details
  • Suggested Activity Name: Viewing likes received
  • Reason: The current activity name is too generic, and by definition, nothing is being managed.

Unread Watched Threads (watched/threads)
  • Current Activity Name: Managing account details
  • Suggested Activity Name: Viewing watched threads
  • Reason: The current activity name is too generic, and by definition, nothing is being managed.

All Watched Threads (watched/threads/all)
  • Current Activity Name: Managing account details
  • Suggested Activity Name: Managing watched threads
  • Reason: In this case, by definition, something is being managed, but it has absolutely nothing to do with account details.

Watched Forums (watched/forums)
  • Current Activity Name: Managing account details
  • Suggested Activity Name: Managing watched forums
  • Reason: In this case, by definition, something is being managed, but it has absolutely nothing to do with account details.

Conversations (conversations)
  • Current Activity Name: Engaged in conversation
  • Suggested Activity Name: Viewing conversation list
  • Reason: By definition, you aren't engaged in conversation, you're only viewing the list of conversations, similar to when you're just viewing the forum list. In that case, you're not viewing a forum or thread, are you? ;)

Categories (categories/forum.ID)
  • Current Activity Name: Viewing category
  • Suggested Activity Name: Viewing category [Category Name]
  • Reason: This is if you disable the quick jump option for categories on the forum list. The current activity name is too vague. In the example above, it would be Viewing category Kingdom Hearts.

Help (help)
  • Current Activity Name: Viewing help
  • Suggested Activity Name: Viewing help index
  • Reason: This is just more accurate, specific, and detailed, similar to viewing the forum list.

Smilies (help/smilies)
  • Current Activity Name: Viewing help
  • Suggested Activity Name: Viewing help page Smilies
  • Alternate Suggested Activity Name: Viewing smilies
  • Reason: More specific and detailed.

BB Codes (help/bb-codes)
  • Current Activity Name: Viewing help
  • Suggested Activity Name: Viewing help page BB Codes
  • Alternate Suggested Activity Name: Viewing BB codes
  • Reason: More specific and detailed.

Trophies (help/trophies)
  • Current Activity Name: Viewing help
  • Suggested Activity Name: Viewing help page Trophies
  • Alternate Suggested Activity Name: Viewing trophies
  • Reason: More specific and detailed.

Cookie Usage (help/cookies)
  • Current Activity Name: Viewing help
  • Suggested Activity Name: Viewing help page Cookie Usage
  • Reason: More specific and detailed.

Terms and Rules (help/terms)
  • Current Activity Name: Viewing help
  • Suggested Activity Name: Viewing help page Terms and Rules
  • Reason: More specific and detailed.

Custom Help Page (Example)
  • Current Activity Name: Viewing help
  • Suggested Activity Name: Viewing help page [Custom Page Name]
  • Reason: More specific and detailed. The name would come from whatever you named the help page. For example, Resource Guidelines: Viewing help page Resource Guidelines.

Create Thread (forums/forum.ID/create-thread)
  • Current Activity Name: Viewing forum [Forum Name]
  • Suggested Activity Name: Creating thread in [Forum Name]
  • Reason: More specific and detailed, and technically, you're not viewing said forum.

Reply to Thread (threads/thread.ID/add-reply)
  • Current Activity Name: Viewing thread [Thread Name]
  • Suggested Activity Name: Replying to thread [Thread Name]
  • Reason: More specific and detailed, and technically, you're not viewing said thread. Accessed by using More Options to reply.

Post Edit (posts/ID/edit)
  • Current Activity Name: Viewing thread
  • Suggested Activity Name: Editing post in [Thread Name]
  • Reason: More specific and detailed. Accessed by using More Options, right-clicking Edit and opening a new tab, or directly by having overlays disabled.

Post Likes (posts/ID/likes)
  • Current Activity Name: Viewing thread
  • Suggested Activity Name: Viewing thread likes in [Thread Name]
  • Reason: More specific and detailed. Accessed by right-clicking the "and X more" link and opening a new tab or directly by having overlays disabled.

Profile Post Edit (profile-posts/ID/edit)
Profile Post Delete (profile-posts/ID/delete)
Profile Post Report (profile-posts/ID/report)
Profile Post Comment Edit (profile-posts/comments/ID/edit)
Profile Post Comment Delete (profile-posts/comments/ID/delete)
Profile Post Comment Report (profile-posts/comments/ID/report)
  • Current Activity Name: Viewing members
  • Suggested Activity Name: Managing profile posts
  • Reason: Viewing members is completely inaccurate. Accessed by right-clicking those links and opening a new tab or directly by having overlays disabled.

Profile Post Likes (profile-posts/ID/likes)
  • Current Activity Name: Viewing members
  • Suggested Activity Name: Viewing profile post likes on profile post #ID for [User]
  • Alternate Suggested Activity Name: Viewing profile post likes
  • Reason: Current activity name is inaccurate. I can't think of a nice way of showing this since profile posts and profile post comments don't have "names" like threads do. As such, the alternate suggested activity name may be better.

Profile Post Comment Likes (profile-posts/comments/ID/likes)
  • Current Activity Name: Viewing members
  • Suggested Activity Name: Viewing profile post comment likes on profile post comment #ID for [User]
  • Alternate Suggested Activity Name: Viewing profile post comment likes
  • Reason: Current activity name is inaccurate. I can't think of a nice way of showing this since profile posts and profile post comments don't have "names" like threads do. As such, the alternate suggested activity name may be better.
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Resource Manager

Resources (resources)
  • Current Activity Name: Viewing resource
  • Suggested Activity Name: Viewing resource list
  • Reason: You aren't viewing a resource, you're viewing the main resource page. It'd like saying you're viewing a forum when you're just viewing the forum list. ;)

Resource Categories (Example)
  • Current Activity Name: Viewing resource
  • Suggested Activity Name: Viewing resource category [Resource Category Name]
  • Reason: Same deal as above, but in this case, you're viewing a resource category. In the example above, it would be Viewing resource category XenForo Tips & Tricks.

Media Gallery

Media (media)
  • Current Activity Name: Viewing media
  • Suggested Activity Name: Viewing media index
  • Reason: You aren't viewing a specific piece of media, in which case the name of the media piece would be shown there, just the main media page.

Browse Albums (media/albums)
  • Current Activity Name: Viewing media
  • Suggested Activity Name: Viewing albums
  • Reason: More specific and detailed, though in this case, the current activity name is not necessarily inaccurate.

Your Albums (user.ID/albums)
  • Current Activity Name: Viewing media by [User]
  • Suggested Activity Name: Viewing albums by [User]
  • Reason: More specific and detailed, though in this case, the current activity name is not necessarily inaccurate.

Albums Shared with You (media/albums/shared)
  • Current Activity Name: Viewing media
  • Suggested Activity Name: Viewing shared albums
  • Reason: More specific and detailed, though in this case, the current activity name is not necessarily inaccurate.

Media Category (media/categories/album.ID)
  • Current Activity Name: Viewing media in category [Media Category Name]
  • Suggested Activity Name: Viewing media category [Media Category Name]
  • Reason: Sounds better without the "in."

Add Media (media/add and any other URLs relating to adding media, such as album=true)
  • Current Activity Name: Viewing media
  • Suggested Activity Name: Managing media
  • Reason: More specific and detailed, and in this case, the current activity name is technically inaccurate as you're not viewing any media.

Album (media/albums/album.ID/)
  • Current Activity Name: Viewing media in album [Album Name]
  • Suggested Activity Name: Viewing album [Album Name]
  • Reason: Consistency with Viewing media [Media Name].

If there are any areas that I missed or if you have a better suggestion than I do for some of these, please feel more than free to post your feedback.
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Great suggestion. I'd like to see it implemented with 2 tiers of permissions available - regular and extend viewing of user activity. With regular you see the current style generalized activity and with extended you get all the details.
Are you referring to something similar to the "Show your current activity" option? Although in this case, you'd still see if someone is viewing a thread, just not which one?

  • Regular: Viewing thread
  • Extended: Viewing thread Dogs and Cats

Something like that?
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