Utah Fishkeepers

no offence but they all are right your logo is not good enough
here are examples of fish logos :


What is wrong with my fish logo?
Look at yours, and then look at the example Sheldon posted. His example is much more eye pleasing.
Some people have the ability to do a great logo (Sheldon is one of those that can get a good blend of text and imagery) and others of us struggle along.
Look at yours, and then look at the example Sheldon posted. His example is much more eye pleasing.
Some people have the ability to do a great logo (Sheldon is one of those that can get a good blend of text and imagery) and others of us struggle along.
He already acknowledged that he liked Sheldon's logo.
Well, you need to let people know about your community. Promote it a lot on social networks, for example. Leave a link for your website on every page about fishing on Facebook, but don`t let it look like you are promoting. Try something like "Hello, can someone review my forum about fishing?" or something. Otherwise, people may consider it spam. And also ask your friends to share your link on their social networks. This first step is very important, and will get you a certain amount of members. As soon as you get like 75 active members, your community will grow and spread by itself, with the help of your own members and father Google (SEO, my friend).
Growing a community is a challenge nowadays, because of Facebook, Twitter and Reddit. Forums are not dead yet, but growing communities isn`t as easy as it used to be back in the days. Not easy, but also not impossible. It all depends on you. It`s all about persistence and trials and errors. Never give up.
Good luck, dude ;)
Well, it was a suggestion. I don`t know anything about fishing, to be honest. I thought that it would be a nice way... It is all about finding websites with a high concentration of fishing fans and then spreading the word. And don`t forget to make great discussion threads to keep them coming back everyday. A loyal user is worth more than various users that only register and post nothing. Get a crew of loyal users and then the magic happens.
As I have said before, it is all about patience. It`s not a night and day thing. Takes months, years, but it`s worth it. And it`s extremely rewarding.
Oh, sorry. My bad. Well, should be even easier then. It`s a niche, and I don`t think there are many communities about it. The procedure is pretty much the same: look for websites/blogs/pages about aquariums and make the promotion-that-does-not-looks-like-a-promotion. And don`t forget to make sure that your forum is SEO friendly. Google is also a huge partner when it comes to traffic increasement.
I wish you the best of luck ;)
And, once again, sorry about the confusion :(
Why the hell would I link my site facebook pages about fishing? I got the GSLAS to link my site. http://gslas.com/favorite_links.html

You keep harping on this GSLAS site... and it's delivered what exactly? How many new registrations? How many new posts? It's great that they link, certainly, but obviously it isn't jump starting your site as you thought it would. Replace "fishing" with "aquarium" above (and my reply below) regarding the facebook page suggestion. You don't need to be an ass about it.

My website isn't a fishing website. It is an aquarium website.

Look, @Araripe was simply trying to help you. The advice given is solid. It is useful for whatever niche you are in. Instead of "fishing", just change to "aquarium", it's not that hard to get a grasp as to what the suggestion was. Your last posts come off quite rude.

More than a few people have attempted to give advice on how to get some traffic, more than a few have given advice on the appearance of your site.... you seem to brush it off and simply refer back to this GSLAS. Well, roll with that. Lock this thread, and move on. The suggestions here will apparently not help you, as the GSLAS is going to resuscitate your forum simply with that one link.

It kills me to see someone ask for help, suggestions, and critiques, and then just ***** and moan and continually ignore everything, without a second thought.
Well, you can promote an event. Something like "Fishkeepers Annual Meeting", and then invite them to your forum. It`s not the cheapest idea but by far the most efficient one. You can also track fishkeepers in Utah and then e-mail them and invite them to join. Should take some time, but it`s also a decent way to get members. You can also pay the local radio to make a short announcement about your forum. Should work fine as well.
And social networks, of course. They are your best friends when it comes to promotion. Trust me (y)
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