XF 2.2 Using Virtual Studio Code, but templates does not update


Well-known member

I'm using Virtual Studio Code (VSC) as my code editor. I connect via SSH to my server and I'm trying to edit templates with VSC, but the code in the template in XenForo does not update. But if I update the code in XenForo template editor it will instantly update in VSC.

What am I doing wrong here? Why the code won't update when using VSC via SSH to edit templates?

Thank you for any insights.
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When editing templates via the file system, the changes are not actually set until the template is viewed in the front-end or all templates are manually imported with the CLI.
To import all templates: php cmd.php xf-dev:import-templates
To import templates for a single add-on php cmd.php xf-dev:import-templates --addon Your/AddOn

You can get a list of available commands with: php cmd.php list
And you can view available arguments for a particular command with php cmd.php any-command --help.
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