XF 2.2 Users doesnt get warnings?


Active member
Hi Guys!

I registered a test user to my new forum and thested the warning system, but it seems that even if I tried the user doesnt get any warning (I tried to use obscene words - that I even on the modification list, and some forbidden link that lead to scam site), but it seems the user dont get any restriction or notification about his action.

Is there a swich I have to apply or anything?

Warnings are applied manually by moderators.

It's not automatic.
I see.
I thought if someone link a restricted site like xxxsax.com or something like that, or use obscene words that are listed as forbidden and used *" instead the post gets flagged automatically.

Anyway, if it is manual is there any way or add-on that does the work automatically?

Thanks for the quick replay as always. :)
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