User map [Deleted]

I'm still having issues with FetchApp (On my third account now). It still does not work for me. Utterly weird and frustrating. While it's going on thought I will continue to send updates via PC.
Glad to hear. @Mouth - Are the errors gone for you too?
Yes, no errors.

The online feature seems to show members that have no location set, I've not selected the "fall back to registration ip" though it seems as though as it's being bypassed. Is that how it was intended to work? I've disabled the option for viewing online members for now.
I don't have this issue.
BUT, my 'View Online' users are not displayed when 'View All' is selected.
You sure they not hiding behind someone else? I can recreate what you're seeing but the Online user ends up hiding behind another user as they're in the same place.
Zooming in shows them.

Instead of stacking users North/South when they in the same place I think I'll stack them east/West. It'll be more obvious.
@CrispinP Thanks for the update. Working great so far! The improvements are big. I am looking forward to have the member view tab and the main nav tab and then I can release it for my board. ;)

Suggestion: As now more selection options come to the map, I suggest you work with "filters" in the future (maybe 2.5?) ;)
In that case you can have multiple selections to narrow down a search. And it will be awesome when you add more and more filters over time.

Like this:
Bildschirmfoto 2016-07-02 um 10.59.44.webp
Suggestion: As now more selection options come to the map, I suggest you work with "filters" in the future (maybe 2.5?) ;)
In that case you can have multiple selections to narrow down a search. And it will be awesome when you add more and more filters over time.
One of the first additional filters I would like to see is the ability to only show users on the map that have been active in the last xx months/years.
Does it switch between the heatmap and the pins at any zoom level? I'll be honest, the clustering thing confuses me slightly. It's an opensource library but does seem to confuse. I find a clustering level of 50 is OK, 5 is a bit low. I will try look into it more to understand it better.
5, 20, 50 .. doesn't seem any number I put within Cluster Size makes it friendly. Example ....

Screen Shot 2016-07-08 at 23.33.14.webp
One of the first additional filters I would like to see is the ability to only show users on the map that have been active in the last xx months/years.
That would be an additional filter. Will keep that in mind. In XF is there the ability to move the boundary of Active Users? In vB you could give it a number of days. I would probably use that.

I see your other two examples. At that zoom level the clusterer is unlikely to group them. I have not seen it do it on mine.
Having said that, I think a better way to plot those would be to have a user-defined radius and randomly plot duplicate points within that radius. That would make it looks like a shotgun shot of pins which would be better than the marching ants.

I'll take a look and see which options are the quickest wins.
is it possible to plot the location based on the IP address of their last login? (instead of registration IP) this way it updates every time they log in, which would be perfect for travel websites.
Major Feature Suggesstion:
Option for user group permitted user(s) to add additional static markers to the map. Two user group permissions; 1. Add static markers, 2. Edit/Delete static markers
Workflow: Permitted user(s) see links at the top of the map, 'Add static marker' and 'Edit/Delete static markers'.
Add - opens a form for the user to enter the address through google lookup, and they can name/title it, description, and URL.
Edit - open a page with the listing of current static marker records, with edit and delete icons.

The static markers usage is for users to add markers to the map that represent landmarks that are relevant to them. Eg. common meet points, favourite coffee shops, business, etc. Tooltip for the marker shows title, click on it for description and URL. Click on URL to open destination site in a new tab.
Feature Suggesstion: Just like ACP option 'Map Link: Message User Block', add a similiar option so that a map link is also shown on the pop-up member card (when you click on a username).
It's not at the moment but that's a good idea. I can add that in in a future release soon.

If you don't mind another suggestion to go with my previous one, it would be sweet to have some kind of alert/notification/email when other users are within a specified distance of each other.

Again this would be mostly ideal for travel sites and communities that encourage meeting in real life. I've had a few clients ask for this but i've been unable to find a plugin that can do it.
If you don't mind another suggestion to go with my previous one, it would be sweet to have some kind of alert/notification/email when other users are within a specified distance of each other.

Again this would be mostly ideal for travel sites and communities that encourage meeting in real life. I've had a few clients ask for this but i've been unable to find a plugin that can do it.
That would be killer for our local hobbyist forum!!
If you don't mind another suggestion to go with my previous one, it would be sweet to have some kind of alert/notification/email when other users are within a specified distance of each other.

Again this would be mostly ideal for travel sites and communities that encourage meeting in real life. I've had a few clients ask for this but i've been unable to find a plugin that can do it.

That would not be too strenuous to add on once the last-ip-location thing is done.
So an ACP option which allows you to alert for users within n-miles of you.

I've got a couple of nav things I need to finish off - was hoping to finish it this weekend but life got in the way. (Sorry @Freelancer :( )
I'll add that to the list too.
If you don't mind another suggestion to go with my previous one, it would be sweet to have some kind of alert/notification/email when other users are within a specified distance of each other.

Again this would be mostly ideal for travel sites and communities that encourage meeting in real life. I've had a few clients ask for this but i've been unable to find a plugin that can do it.

I see where you're going with this but it wouldn't work well with IP lookups which are wildly inaccurate. What you want is AGPS lookups which would trigger a browser permission on mobiles. That would be a killer feature. :)

You'd want a different workflow for that i.e.

1. Allow AGPS permission (assisted GPS which falls back on IP on desktops) for user group
2. Add Publish location button to map page (so it doesn't try to do gps on all your members in forum home)
3. Periodically refresh location (interval based)
4. Unpublish current location button (and also expire after user defined period)

Or something like that.

You can use the geolocation API to get long/lat and plot on GMaps V3.
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