As designed User Cannot See Thread In Forum List Which Is Awaiting Approval After "Hourly Clean up" Ran


Affected version
Today I have noticed that when a forum has the option "Moderate new threads posted in this forum" enabled, and a user creates a new thread, that these threads disappear from their forum view for the user after each time the "Hourly Clean up" cron job task ran. This causes much confusion with the users since they might think that their thead got deleted and repost their thread again, causing more unnecessary moderative work for the staff team. The users can't see their threads which are awaiting approval in their profile section "postings", they only show up under "Latest activity". The thread which are awaiting approval also dont appear when the user uses the "Your content" option from the user menu.

This shouldnt be intented behavior and if it is, it should be configurable by the admin in the ACP either on the nodes directly or even better on the general node settings. This issue also occurs in XenForo 2.2.12.

I'd appreciate an explaination for this behavior and hope for a solution.

Yours sincerely
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I don't think this is necessarily triggered by the hourly clean up task, but rather a value stored in the user's session. We track whether a particular session has triggered content that requires approval and we only fetch it if that flag is set. This is primarily done for performance reasons. I believe this has been the case all through the 2.x series and this is the first comment I recall about it.

So if the user's session expires (which would involve them having left the site for a period of time; an open tab on the site should still keep the session alive, even if no explicit browsing is done), this would currently be expected. We could consider an alternative approach or an option over this behavior, though that would probably be best done as a suggestion.
So if the user's session expires (which would involve them having left the site for a period of time; an open tab on the site should still keep the session alive, even if no explicit browsing is done), this would currently be expected.
Thank you for your reply and the insight into this, @Mike!

Opened a suggestion for it.
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