XF 1.5 Use Full Friendly URLs


Active member

What lines exactly do I need to add to my .htaccess file to make the Use Full Friendly URLs option work?

I installed an add-on that has all of it's links and redirects set to not having index.php in them.

I have my main .htaccess file located in my root directory like the below.


I found the htaccess.txt file that came with the XenForo package and I was able to copy the correct lines over to the .htaccess file I'm actually using.

My .htaccess file contains a lot of other stuff and I wasn’t even using the one that came with XenForo. Adding those lines actually fixed something else besides the add-on I had installed. My board appears to even run a little faster now too for whatever reason.

Anyway, I guess I should read stuff more carefully instead of just ignoring it next time :rolleyes:
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