XF 2.0 Upgrading from 2.0.9 to 2.0.12

Or some sort of special case on the server. Your web server error logs may have more details as to the exact reason for the error. If not, your host should be able to help.
The only other way would be via the command line: php cmd.php xf:upgrade

Just to confirm, looking at your site, I don't believe that the 403 error is being generated by XenForo code. It is likely something separate, though I'm not clear what. Have you upgraded on this server before? (From this URL?)
The only other way would be via the command line: php cmd.php xf:upgrade

Just to confirm, looking at your site, I don't believe that the 403 error is being generated by XenForo code. It is likely something separate, though I'm not clear what. Have you upgraded on this server before? (From this URL?)
Hi Mike- I have upgraded from the server before, but I know that the host added some additional security to the server recently due to attacks which may be the issue.

So for that code, where do I run that?
You would need to login to your server via SSH and move into your forum directory. Then you can run the command and follow the on-screen prompts.

It sounds like your host may have added some rules that block access to the install system. I'm surprised that they aren't able to help determine the underlying cause.
Mike, I had my host run the script you suggested and we are up and running. Now he needs to get with his techs to find out why neither of us can access the install page. I appreciate your help today.
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