XF 2.1 Upgrading from 1.5 to 2.1.4 file replacement/placement


Active member

I want to run this upgrade now that it is the quiet season for my site, I have run the test upgrade which runs fine in my test environment. However I did this by putting all files in a new folder than hitting onto the database.

I wanted to keep the same directory but make sure I am not sitting there with a mix of legacy files.

Can I just update with the upgrade only files over the top of the 1.5?
Or am I best to remove all but the internal_data and extermal_data folders and then place all the other 2.1 files in place?

I want to make sure that I am doing this right from the get go as I dont want to carry any potential legacy over.

Upload the files and perform the upgrade.

You can do clean up later.

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