[15-Sep-2013 01:25:58] PHP Fatal error: Method XenForo_Phrase::__toString() must not throw an exception in /home/campforu/public_html/library/XenForo/ViewRenderer/Xml.php on line 74
[15-Sep-2013 01:25:58] PHP Fatal error: Method XenForo_Phrase::__toString() must not throw an exception in /home/campforu/public_html/library/XenForo/ViewRenderer/Xml.php on line 74
That error will be more helpful, but unluckily I'm not going to able to be the one to help with it.
Maybe @Brogan, @Jeremy or @Jake Bunce will drop by.
Please review @Brogan's resource (steps to take for upgrade) at http://xenforo.com/community/thread...nt-information-and-actions-to-be-taken.56027/ - pay special attention to the middle. It tells you how to disable listeners via the config.php.
Odds are your add-ons are already 1.2 compatible -but it's safer if you are having problems just to disable them in config.php until the upgrade is done.
Without having the code up, I can't be certain what would cause that error, but it's very possible missing phrases with an add-on. A full stack trace would help me determine a cause.
Without having the code up, I can't be certain what would cause that error, but it's very possible missing phrases with an add-on. A full stack trace would help me determine a cause.