Implemented Update Cookie Banner compliant to GDPR


Well-known member
Hi there I want propose the implementation of the Cookie Banner to be compliant to the GDPR law we have in Europe.

Right now the banner have only the possibility to click on "Accept" and this is not accordant with the law we have here about the privacy policy.
To be legal here, that banner must show all the cookies used and let the possibility to the users to accept or not the use of these.
Is it also possible to show as mandatory some "Necessary Cookies" to make turn good the site, but the users can decide to accept these, or go out of the site, the third party cookies instead can be accept or not, by just selecting the options "yes" or "no".

So would be really important for us to have the right options to let us set the banner to be law compliant.
This need:
  • a button that show all the cookies are used
  • the options/buttons to accept them or refuse
  • possibility to set use all and refuse all, or some of them
  • show what are the strictly necessary cookies to access the site
  • give them the possibility to accept only the "Necessary" that must be explained for what are used for and refuse the others (third part)

This is necessary for us that live in Europe because the default cookie banner with the GDPR directive is became in this moment furthermore out of law and this is a big risk for us.
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We've made changes to pass the third parties as an argument to allow for implementing more granular decision making.
That's great, thanks :)
So this means it would be possible tom to return a decision for eaach service (like Google Analytics, Twitter, etc.) individually?

The consented groups are part of the cache key, the same as for languages and styles.
Hmm, but doesn't that (significantly) decrease cache efficiency? @eva2000 @Xon @Michael A.

From my experience guests usually don't select a different style or language (on most of our installations we only allow guests to use the default style and language so they wouldn't even be able to).
So that part of the cache key would be the same for the vast majority of guests.

Now that the consent becomes part of the key there are 4 more variations:
  • No consent at all
  • Only optional
  • Only third party
  • Optional and third party
So if I got this right, any page now would have to be cached 4 times (instead of one time) effectively requiring a significantly higher amout of storage / memory and increasing the probability of a cache miss.

Is that correct?

If so I'd really appreciate if this could be changed so the HTML does not get modified (for guests) depending on consent status (decision wether to load 3rd party content is done on the client) - this seems to be the way consent management is usually implemented.

Here is an example of how it could look like in XenForo (showing a preview image like done here is probably out of scope though as that would complicate things significantly):
I have a fixed ad at the bottom of the my page and don't have any good options for displaying the notice. It would be create if it could appear as an overlay in the center of the page.
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