

I'm just starting out with Xenforo and I got a technical DB issue I'll be looking into tomorrow, but also a legislation issue with cookies.
Apparently in all of Europe (so we can't be the only ones), you need a cookie policy, terms & conditions, and a banner.
We did modify the terms & conditions for what is ok for us, and Xenforo has a list (an extensive! we don't do advertising) of cookies it sets or may set.
As I'm just a beginner with this:
1) How do I modify the cookie policy to cut out all crap we aren't using? (And how do I determine it for stuff like "may embed ..."?)
2) How do others do it to fulfill the legal requirements for the cookie banner and some kind of "delete all of our cookies"-button?
3) You also need to be able to provide proof of consent / preferences for your site visitors... Do you create a separate page/Database to store this?
I didn't know that forums were (from a legal perspective) so complicated. I'd rather avoid any fines, so... Please help, any pointers are welcome.
I'm just starting out with Xenforo and I got a technical DB issue I'll be looking into tomorrow, but also a legislation issue with cookies.
Apparently in all of Europe (so we can't be the only ones), you need a cookie policy, terms & conditions, and a banner.
We did modify the terms & conditions for what is ok for us, and Xenforo has a list (an extensive! we don't do advertising) of cookies it sets or may set.
As I'm just a beginner with this:
1) How do I modify the cookie policy to cut out all crap we aren't using? (And how do I determine it for stuff like "may embed ..."?)
2) How do others do it to fulfill the legal requirements for the cookie banner and some kind of "delete all of our cookies"-button?
3) You also need to be able to provide proof of consent / preferences for your site visitors... Do you create a separate page/Database to store this?
I didn't know that forums were (from a legal perspective) so complicated. I'd rather avoid any fines, so... Please help, any pointers are welcome.
Probably already got this sorted by now, but regardless I felt like commenting, so I shall.

First off, I'm still a beginner myself, although not in the EU. Also, I am unsure about the banner thing mentioned, but as far as I am aware, in respect of legalities with cookies, whether EU or otherwise, all we need to do is utilize the stock Xenforo 'Basic Cookies' notices settings and be done with it.

Which is all I have been doing for over a year now.

Unless I'm mistaken, I think Xenforo's standard preset basic cookies notices are sufficiently provisioned with terms which more than adequately cover related legal requisites within & without the EU and as much as I dislike cookie notices, I would be hesitant to alter the primary terms simply due to the opportunistically predatory nature of the actively shibbolethic legal realms. I mean, if while editing the stock XF cookies notices primary terms, one were to unwittingly use one wrong wording, this might potentially be the difference between covering relevant legal bases & severe legal consequences.

I could be mistaken, although I currently think that the most prudent decision here may be simply enabling basic XF cookies and refraining from altering the terms at all unless otherwise advised by those possessing pertinent legal expertise.

Just my opinion though.
For Europe (XF2.2), you need the beta settings for cookies as it distinguishes between embedded content and normal forum stuff. We set it to that now. I think it still lacks a "delete all cookies" button probably, but, no complaints so far.
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