Unread Post Count

Unread Post Count 1.2.0

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Please understand this:

1) The add-on was built for XenForo 1.1.X therefore it uses the whats_new phrase.
2) The add-on should remain, where possible, compatible with 1.1.X until XenForo 1.2 is released fully.
3) Currently the whats_new phrase is included in 1.2, or at the very least it is there if you have upgraded from 1.1.X.
4) For this add-on to fully work with 1.2 there needs to be a phrase titled whats_new that contains the same textual value as the 1.2 phrase new_posts.
5) If whats_new doesn't exist (for whatever reason) create it and make sure the textual value is the same as the 1.2 phrase new_posts.
6) No code edits are necessary.
Confirmed also here on all 3 forums.
On my sites I can fix it with the below:
#unreadPostsCount .itemCount {
margin-top: -17px;
Where the margin amount needs to be adjusted for each style.
Last edited:
Not updated to RC2 myself yet, but will check this out.

Ultimately a 1.2 specific version will be released (that uses the TM system rather than hooks etc.).
Hello there, I don't particularly about whether or not it says "new posts" vs. "what's new" ... I just want my indicator of how many new posts are there. Do hope it is upgraded soon! :) BTW I am running RC2. :)
I'm not sure what you're saying.

At the moment there isn't a 1.2 compatible version, but you can simply edit the phrase "whats_new" to have the text New Posts and it should appear.

(The whats_new phrase isn't used anywhere else).
Yes, that is what I was asking is if this WILL be updated to a 1.2 compatible version.

So if the phrase "whats_new" is changed to "new posts" that the little notifier should come back (the part that shows how many new posts there are, i.e.: New Posts 3 for example?

On "navigation" template I've replaced the "new_posts" phrase by the "whats_new" phrase which was on the 1.1.5 style. However, this doesn't display the counter
The instruction wasn't to edit a template :)

You need to edit the whats_new phrase itself so that the text is New Posts. Undo your template edit and instead edit the phrase.

There's a display issue introduced in RC2 so you will need to use the code edit that Tracy Perry posted as well.
The instruction wasn't to edit a template :)

You need to edit the whats_new phrase itself so that the text is New Posts. Undo your template edit and instead edit the phrase.

There's a display issue introduced in RC2 so you will need to use the code edit that Tracy Perry posted as well.
I did that. I edited the "whats_new" phrase text and now is New Posts. However, this doesn't display the counter so I made that template edit
Go to Admin CP > Appearance > Search Phrases > Title: whats_new

If it exists, edit it so the text is "New Posts" (or whatever that is in your language/s.

If it doesn't exist, create it with the text "New Posts" (or whatever this is in your languages if you have any).
Go to Admin CP > Appearance > Search Phrases > Title: whats_new

If it exists, edit it so the text is "New Posts" (or whatever that is in your language/s.

If it doesn't exist, create it with the text "New Posts" (or whatever this is in your languages if you have any).
whats_new exist.
You mean to rename the phrase title? or mater value

When renaming the title it says:
Please enter a title using only a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and _ characters.
How about running this query first:
ALTER TABLE `xf_post`
ADD INDEX `unread_post_count_post_date` (`post_date` ASC)

Then install the addon?
How about running this query first:
ALTER TABLE `xf_post`
ADD INDEX `unread_post_count_post_date` (`post_date` ASC)

Then install the addon?
Do you refer to me? :)
If so, where, at ssh?

And is there a way to revert later in case it isn't the best solution?

The forum is already running, that's why :)
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