Unread Post Count

Unread Post Count 1.2.0

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This is a little Problem I've discovered:
And this code fixed it for me:
.JsOnly .blockLinksList li #unreadPostsCount .itemCount {
margin: 0px;

I also would like to ask for an style property for these entry's as they are different if you are using a different style then the default one.
For the style I use I had to do the following changes:
/*Fix for normal view*/
.selected .tabLinks .blockLinksList li #unreadPostsCount .itemCount {
margin-top: -25px;
margin-left: 7px;
/*Fix in drop down*/
.JsOnly .blockLinksList li #unreadPostsCount .itemCount {
margin: 0px;
Not sure if possible or already suggested but it would be great if to new users it displayed a 0.

or if it is possible an option to show 0 or the large unread post count.
Can someone please help me, what is causing this error and how to fix it?


Template Errors: PAGE_CONTAINER
1.number_format() expects parameter 1 to be double, string given in /data/web/virtuals/18971/virtual/www/subdom/xen/library/XenForo/Locale.php, line 717: 716: $__compilerVar121 .= '
718:    <!-- account -->
Ah, that looks like a bug for guests.

Will check that out.

That error is only visible in Debug mode so turn Debug mode off and your visitors won't see that error.
Hm, I didn't even know, I had the debug mode on. Where exactly I can turn it on/off? I can not find it in Debug Options :unsure:
This is a little Problem I've discovered:
View attachment 52520
And this code fixed it for me:
.JsOnly .blockLinksList li #unreadPostsCount .itemCount {
margin: 0px;

I also would like to ask for an style property for these entry's as they are different if you are using a different style then the default one.
For the style I use I had to do the following changes:
/*Fix for normal view*/
.selected .tabLinks .blockLinksList li #unreadPostsCount .itemCount {
margin-top: -25px;
margin-left: 7px;
/*Fix in drop down*/
.JsOnly .blockLinksList li #unreadPostsCount .itemCount {
margin: 0px;
Thank you.

I've used your fix for the JS dropdown menu.

As for Style Properties, it's perfectly fine to just edit the unread_posts_count.css template for each style. Editing templates in XenForo 1.2 is a much smaller headache than it used to be.

Not sure if possible or already suggested but it would be great if to new users it displayed a 0.

or if it is possible an option to show 0 or the large unread post count.

Unfortunately it effectively counts the number of posts in unread threads. When you register as a new member, your New Posts list is already full. You can reduce the cut off date in the Admin CP > Options. It's a default option that automatically marks posts read after a certain period of time.

Can someone please help me, what is causing this error and how to fix it?

View attachment 52568

Template Errors: PAGE_CONTAINER
1.number_format() expects parameter 1 to be double, string given in /data/web/virtuals/18971/virtual/www/subdom/xen/library/XenForo/Locale.php, line 717: 716: $__compilerVar121 .= '
718:    <!-- account -->
This is fixed in the version I'm about to release.
Thanks, turned that off and now it doesn't show the error :)

Internet Explorer, Guest View, debug turned off. Those boxes seems to be just not in the right places. I even turned off all the add-ons, but that just didn't help and it does this in other browsers too. Is this a known bug or an error on my side?


  • UnreadPostCounts.webp
    13.3 KB · Views: 13
The first issue you point out in your screenshot is fixed in the latest version.

I haven't tested it in Internet Exploder to be honest.
It must be the newest Internet Explorer 10 then...


In FireFox it is fine. Windows 8 just doesn't let me install Chrome so I can not test it in Chrome :(
Unfortunately it effectively counts the number of posts in unread threads. When you register as a new member, your New Posts list is already full. You can reduce the cut off date in the Admin CP > Options. It's a default option that automatically marks posts read after a certain period of time.

I figured as much but was worth an ask anyway!
Is there no better way to add the number styling wise? Running into issues with this on custom styles. See screenshot:

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