UI.X Dark

UI.X Dark

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How hard is it to change the Default Node Icons? I mean: Do you support FontAweseome in this Style to change Node Icons?

Thx :)

I'm getting a lot of JS errors on the UI.X skin. Any idea on what I can do to fix this? I'm using the dark skin, but the errors don't look to be exclusive to that skin.
I have a guild site based on xenforo and i want to buy one premium theme but i have some questions:
  • Can i switch side by side node category off in this theme in UI.X or Quark?
  • If yes, can i have ONLY some Section with side by side category?
  • If i want to buy UI.X Dark, i have to buy first UI.X and so i have to spend 60$? (in audentio shop UI.X DARK theme sections says that i require UI.X ?
Someone can answer me?
Thanks in advance
Is it easy to adjust the width of the sidebar to fit in a 300x250 adsense ad. Widget work fine for there too?
Is it easy to adjust the width of the sidebar to fit in a 300x250 adsense ad. Widget work fine for there too?
Yes works 100% fine. There is one variable you need to adjust but it will work no matter if you have sidebar to left, sticky sidebar, widget framework, anything.
I apologize if this has been answered before... but it's not too clear on how to do it on the website... if I buy UI.X dark is there a way to bundle the light version with it for a discount or is it $60?
I apologize if this has been answered before... but it's not too clear on how to do it on the website... if I buy UI.X dark is there a way to bundle the light version with it for a discount or is it $60?
No problem :) And as it stands each theme is $30. We had the discount system before but we found some people wanted dark but not light and vice versa. So technically, if you only want dark, you pay just $30 instead of $40 before. The hit is applied to people that want both. We try to make everyone happy, really, but sometimes we just cannot think of a solution.
No problem :) And as it stands each theme is $30. We had the discount system before but we found some people wanted dark but not light and vice versa. So technically, if you only want dark, you pay just $30 instead of $40 before. The hit is applied to people that want both. We try to make everyone happy, really, but sometimes we just cannot think of a solution.

That's fine and you definitely deserve the money for your wonderful designs... it was just that the previous posts on this one implied there was some sort of discount but I couldn't find it on your site.

One more pre-sales question.... if you do the customization option are there any modifications you do that we can't do ourselves without the help?

Also - can you purchase the customization at a later point in time or only at the time of the original purchase?
That's fine and you definitely deserve the money for your wonderful designs... it was just that the previous posts on this one implied there was some sort of discount but I couldn't find it on your site.

One more pre-sales question.... if you do the customization option are there any modifications you do that we can't do ourselves without the help?

Also - can you purchase the customization at a later point in time or only at the time of the original purchase?

There are things that just require extensive web development experience, such as I don't know, maybe new functionality for example. But as far as themes go, you'll be hard pressed to find something you cannot do that another theme allows. We built the essentials, just enough to be powerful, but not bloated. And quite proud of that feat! :D But yeah its really hard to say. We do back our work and if you have questions we are just a ticket away!

The customization option purchased at point of sale is $45, but its normally $69/hr that we charge. So buying it at POS saves you some money, and if you dont use it right away its still credited to your account. It never expires.
How easy would it be for me to make the sidebar go all the way to the top and the welcome not take up the full width? Is that some settings for me to switch or is that something that I'd need to purchase the customization for?

Screenshot 2014-09-25 at 11.webp
In style properties we can change "Selected Tab Sub-Links Height" and that works great, but when I turn on sticky navigation, once the sticky nav takes over, the sub links height becomes equal with the height of the menu row above it, is there a way to change that?
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