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Twitter Authentication


Active member
This addon has been very much over-due for myself, I started working on this back when XenForo was released and never got around to releasing it.

  1. Download the attached zip
  2. Upload the upload folder to your forum
  3. Import the XML file
  4. Edit login_bar_form, After
    <xen:if is="{$xenOptions.facebookAppId}"><xen:set var="$eAuth">1</xen:set></xen:if>
    <xen:if is="{$xenOptions.c2Twitter_consumerKey}"><xen:set var="$eAuth">1</xen:set></xen:if>
    				<xen:if is="{$xenOptions.facebookAppId}">
       					<li><a href="{xen:link register/facebook, '', 'reg=1'}" class="fbLogin"><span>{xen:phrase login_with_facebook}</span></a></li>
       				<xen:if is="{$xenOptions.c2Twitter_consumerKey}">
       					<li><a href="{xen:link register/twitter, '', 'reg=1'}" class="twLogin"><img src="http://a0.twimg.com/images/dev/buttons/sign-in-with-twitter-d.png" title="{xen:phrase sign_up_with_twitter}" /></a></li>
  5. Go to http://dev.twitter.com/apps and create an application
  6. Under twitter in xenforo options, copy over the Consumer Key and secret from the application you created in step 5


Im getting this error

Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'Zend/Rest/Client.php' (include_path='/forum/library:.') in /forum/library/Zend/Service/Twitter.php on line 1042
Im getting this error

Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'Zend/Rest/Client.php' (include_path='/forum/library:.') in /forum/library/Zend/Service/Twitter.php on line 1042
me too
Oh something else I was wanting - my wish list (auto tweet/twitter login/calendar & integrated CMS) has almost been completed over the last week - what a great Christmas!

My Contentteller CMS supports twitter login, but once you integrate it with xF and it pulls user info from the the xF install you can't use the twitter login, they are looking at doing something about that, but this hopefully will solve the issue.
Can you associate to an accout associated to a FaceBook login?

I have my admin login (testing) already associated to my FaceBook.
I tried to also associate my Twitter account and I got "Server Error"


Do I have a screwed up setting somewhere?
im not using any facebook integration (and dont plan to) nor do i login using these sorts of auths on any other site i visit, so im not very hip to how they work.
i would like to offer twitter auth on my xf, but i am curious what would happen in the following scenarios:
  1. somebody registers using twitter auth, then i remove the addon- can they still login or retrieve their account somehow?
  2. somebody registers using twitter auth, then xf implement twitter auth in the core and i use it rather than this addon- does that effect the user?
Once a member has registered then they can log in using the standard login panel.
Whichever password they used to create their account, whether that was manually or via Facebook/Twitter.
To let the button in Spanish, I made these changes:
instead of adding
                  <xen:if is="{$xenOptions.c2Twitter_consumerKey}">

                      <li><a href="{xen:link register/twitter, '', 'reg=1'}" class="twLogin"><img src="http://a0.twimg.com/images/dev/buttons/sign-in-with-twitter-d.png" title="{xen:phrase sign_up_with_twitter}" /></a></li>


I added
                  <xen:if is="{$xenOptions.c2Twitter_consumerKey}">

                      <li><a href="{xen:link register/twitter, '', 'reg=1'}" class="twLogin"><img src="@imagePath/xenforo/otros/acceder-con-twitter-d.png" title="{xen:phrase sign_up_with_twitter}" /></a></li>


And I uploaded the file to the styles/default/xenforo/otros directory having created the directory otros, where I have located the image attached.
Attach XML file in spanish.



Your images don't work as they are attachments on your forum, with presumably no viewing permissions for guests.
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