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In XenForo 1.x, we had a custom authentication class. It worked like this:
This file was located in library/Company/CompanyConnect.php
In order for this to work, we updated the following MySQL table:
Is this still possible in XenForo 2, and what would be the quickest way to migrate?
class XenForo_Authentication_CompanyConnect extends XenForo_Authentication_Abstract
protected $_data = array();
public function setData($data)
$this->_data = unserialize($data);
public function generate($password)
// Logic
public function authenticate($userId, $password)
// Logic
private function _createHash($password, $salt)
// Logic
This file was located in library/Company/CompanyConnect.php
In order for this to work, we updated the following MySQL table:
UPDATE `xf_user_authenticate` SET scheme_class = 'XenForo_Authentication_CompanyConnect';
Is this still possible in XenForo 2, and what would be the quickest way to migrate?