I see this error with Trending Content 2.1.0 clicking on the 'Trending Posts' tab with Post Ratings support turned on (Post Ratings 1.7.5 installed). Any ideas?
Server Error
Mysqli statement execute error : BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out of range in '((`xenforo`.`post`.`likes` + (select count(0) from `xenforo`.`dark_postrating` `pr` USE INDEX (`post_id_rating`) where ((`xenforo`.`pr`.`post_id` = `xenforo`.`post`.`post_id`) and (`xenforo`.`pr`.`rating` in (4,5,6,8))))) - (select count(0) from `xenforo`.`dark_postrating` `pr` USE INDEX (`post_id_rating`) where ((`xenforo`.`pr`.`post_id` = `xenforo`.`post`.`post_id`) and (`xenforo`.`pr`.`rating` in (14,11,13,3)))))'
Server Error
Mysqli statement execute error : BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out of range in '((`xenforo`.`post`.`likes` + (select count(0) from `xenforo`.`dark_postrating` `pr` USE INDEX (`post_id_rating`) where ((`xenforo`.`pr`.`post_id` = `xenforo`.`post`.`post_id`) and (`xenforo`.`pr`.`rating` in (4,5,6,8))))) - (select count(0) from `xenforo`.`dark_postrating` `pr` USE INDEX (`post_id_rating`) where ((`xenforo`.`pr`.`post_id` = `xenforo`.`post`.`post_id`) and (`xenforo`.`pr`.`rating` in (14,11,13,3)))))'