The block spoiler bb code has a tool tip on hover indicating that it is a spoiler and should clicked (even though the text on the button has the word 'Spoiler' )
The inline spoiler bb code does not have a tool tip (see what I mean?) and it's not obvious what it is, but there is a natural inclination to click, by which time it's too late if you didn't want to see the content.
What do we want?
A tooltip for the inline spoiler bb code.
When do we want it?
In a future XF release.
It's obvious this is a spoiler.
The inline spoiler bb code does not have a tool tip (see what I mean?) and it's not obvious what it is, but there is a natural inclination to click, by which time it's too late if you didn't want to see the content.
What do we want?
A tooltip for the inline spoiler bb code.
When do we want it?
In a future XF release.