too much server load?


Well-known member
I need some help. (in case I'm going to open a support ticket too)

My hosting is suggesting me to optimize my script but they don't give me info about what in particularly is wasting resources and continue to shut off my domain.

With all the addons disabled they say that's its better but it's still to much resources hungry.
I activated xcache, I activated cloudflare, disabled xentrader's queries on the index of the market forum.

I think I'm going to move to a dedicated server or vps so I'll be able to see what's going on.
Without detailed info how can I understand?!

This is the link with debug active... do you see something strange in it compared to yours?
Unless your host actually gives you details of where you are using too many resources, how are they expecting you to resolve it? XF is pretty light on server resources, so they need to tell you where the problems are. Is it MySQL using too many resources, or PHP, too much bandwidth?
seriously VPS can be pretty cheap to start out on check out vps offers forum at :)
Probably time to either change hosts or to move to a VPS/dedicatd.

Agreed - we were facing the exact same circumstances with our site Kintaro. I can thoroughly recommend Nimbus Hosting. They are specialists in Forum Hosting, and have been absolutely superb since we switched - not just because our site is now very fast, but because they offered free migration and even fixed a couple of issues with Xenforo that were not down to hosting!

They have some decent packages which will be scaleable to your needs, but the entry one suited us superbly and was very reasonable - especially with the extras they offered.

Spied a twitter promo a few days ago too to get a month free....

Edit: Yep - check out their twitter feed -
When folks report server load it would help to know the size of their communities - things like how many members online at one time, pages read per day, etc.

This would help with troubleshooting and recommendations.

Based on what a lot of people here have reported, regular low-cost shared hosting (non-vps) may not have enough horsepower for even a semi-busy forum. XF is a modern framework and that in itself means it needs a certain baseline of RAM and CPU.
When folks report server load it would help to know the size of their communities - things like how many members online at one time, pages read per day, etc.

You're right craigiri:

6000 members
~300k posts
~30 active in average (peak ~80)
~1000 unique visitors
~10k page views
~25 addons installed (xenporta and xentrade included)

I'm on a reseller plan, but I don't know ram and cpu.
I can't even get a limited ssh to do some test monitoring it in real time with a simple top or ps shell command. :(

For what I understood the problem is PHP.
I activated xcache and Cloudflare but they still shutdown.
They don't suggest me to go to a VPS or dedicated.

p.s. I found a friend that will manage for me a dedicated server if i'll put a link to his company... the price is a little more than now but I think I will go with it. At least I will undestand what's going on!
Your stats are only slightly more than my site, and I'm on a VPS. I also have a few other sites on there, and the VPS handles everything fine.
I think a 512 Linode could handle that without breaking a sweat, as long as your addons aren't too resource intensive.
Ran my forum on a Linode 512, have since moved to AWS but it ran just fine. Your stats are a little higher than mine as far as the forum goes but I was also running 2 other sites and postfix/dovecot. Would definitely recommend nginx+php5-fpm though.
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